chapter six

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I was headed to the bathroom when I heard Mars crying. I was about to go in until I heard her mention Melody and Ken. I knew I shouldn't eavesdrop, but I couldn't help it.

"That's not all, She didn't kill our friends.

" Yeah they were alive in the hospital but when she went into cardiac arrest they freaked out and they left. Two or Three days later they died because they both had internal bleeding that the doctors missed."

What, I couldn't believe it. This whole time I thought it was my fault.

"I mean she was up and talking and then out of nowhere she went into cardiac arrest, she doesn't remember the conversations we had or anything." I was sobbing

"Because I was trying to protect her, If she found out she almost died and her parents didn't want to see her it would have broken her, and if she found out her friends ditched her she would've broke down because she saw the two as her sisters. I mean she would have felt betrayed by both her family and friends. That's why their parents didn't want us to go to the funeral because they had left the hospital knowing that they Hadn't recovered. I was all she had and the last thing we were talking about was Brindley Alpaza.

"Yeah every birthday we come out here and visit them."

" We had her birthday party the day after her birthday because we were going to go to a concert right after it was over" she paused for a moment.

"Your brother is in love with her? So I guess that's why he's always been a prick to her- Wait, weren't you the same way?" he let out a nervous laugh.

"Yeah, the males in our family, well we can't really express our feelings."

I walked away from the door when I heard Liam, he was speaking low this whole time so I knew they were about to leave the bedroom when I heard him chuckle.

A little later I walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey Mammas, you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I was just putting up the stuff in the bathroom." I wasn't technically lying.

"Oh okay, Well Justin ordered pizza." She looked at justin.

" Umm actually I think I'm just G...Going to bed." I stopped myself.

The thoughts of her words kept replaying in my head. I really thought I was the one who didn't want my parents around but they were the ones who didn't want to see their dying daughter.

"At eight thirty?" She gave me a weird look.

"Yeah, I think the drive and unpacking along with the fight with your sister took it out of me. Not to mention me staying up late last night, Because someone had decided to bring an annoying pest to my dorm last night."

"Yeeeeah......Night!" she quickly said knowing what i was implying.

"Night." I had given a fake smile and wave to Justin and liam.

I then headed to my room and locked the door remembering to grab all three keys. I headed to my bed and called my sister.

After the second ring she answered


{Is this Jessie?}

{Yes this is her- I'm sorry, who is this?}

{Is it true?} I choked out.

That wasn't what i wanted to say but the words had slipped out of my mouth.

{Who is this?} she had repeated


{I'm sorry but i don't know a Destiny} she lied and I choked even harder.

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