Chapter four

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"Hey dude." Liam went to Justin. "What's up?" He gave Liam a hug. As the two were talking I turned towards Marcy.

"You have to tell him Mars," I whispered to her. "But then he'll know I lied to him." she whispered back and then looked down at the floor. "But you have to. No more last minute."

"Babe." her voice was shaky.

"Yeah?" He walked up to her to give her a kiss.

"Bleh." I turned around and stuck my tongue out and put my finger over it.

I wasn't really fond of the idea of Marcie having a boyfriend.... Let alone a rich one. Her last boyfriend was a complete Scumbag, he always blamed everything on her when it was his fault. One time he got fired and took it out on her. He also cheated on her with her sister and her parents said nothing to her about it- Well except that it was 'her fault because she wasn't smart enough to see what he was doing.' Not long after Rick and her sister Serina got married and had their first child about three years ago. But before they got married Marcie moved to california,

"I need to tell you something,"

"Sure, what's up?"

"First off this is my best friend, Umm, This is Destiny Julious." I waved at liam.

"The girl you're always talking to?" she nodded her head.

"Yeah, and she," she looked over at me once again and I nodded to give her the okay. "She got a deal with your...f-father suggested by your brother"

"Wait the Julious also known as Jules or Julie per say?" he raised his brow then had a grin on his face.

"Damn Justin, no wonder you're always talking about her." Justins face turned a shade of red. "Did Justin tell you He's already taking over my dads company?" He looked back at me. "No, why?" Marcie slapped her forehead then walked over to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Look Dez I love you and all, but sometimes you're F-ing stupid!" my jaw dropped.

"Hey!" she started laughing at my late reaction.

"Anyways completely off topic, Mars wants to know if you could wait on having her meet your parents, since we already had plans."

He looked at Justin only for him to shrug.

"But babe, you're only here for three days."

"yeah about th-at" she let out a nervous laugh. "That's what I wanted to talk about."

"I'm listening."

"I'm actually being transferred here for some reason, i didn't know until i got to the party, that's why i stepped out of the house."

"That's great babe!" He gave her another kiss.

"Alright, Alright no more PDA in my Home!"

"Right, that's the other thing......" he moved back from her.

"Ummmm..... Since your parents don't know about us and I'm not familiar with the area I will be staying with Dez for a little bit."

"That's fine as long as I get to see you." They both looked at me.

You gotta be kidding me, right? I mean Liam Morris, the brother of Justin and the son of the person I might be working with...... If his parents don't accept her and they find out that i'm her best friend then that could be bad for me especially if he finds out that he's been at my house screw-

I shivered and shook the thought.

"Dez?" She looked at Liam then back at me.

"You know what, sure, Just no Screwing when I'm here or around...."

"So only when you are gone?" Mars punched him in the arm.

"Ow, she didn't say we couldn't when she's gone." he shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't make me change my mind Morris!"

"What did I do this time?" Justin popped his head up from my couch.

I sighed then went into the kitchen and grabbed the bacon Justin made.

"Heyyy!" Marcie ran and took two off my plate as I had just grabbed the last six.

" What, you know I love bacon, and you so happen to have taken the last of them!" we stared at each other then laughed.

Me and Marcie laugh at everything, that's how it was with us. We did everything together ever since we were in middle school. No matter the problem or cause we were still together no matter what. When we needed each other no questions were asked, that's how much we understood one another. Even when she moved to California we called each other at least seven times a day. We never keep anything from another, we tell each other how we feel. If I don't like something she's doing I will tell her and she will do the same thing to me. We understand one another, that's why I didn't get mad when she didn't tell me she had a boyfriend because we both knew I would freak out about it after what Richard did to her.

I couldn't lose another friend. After those two died I never got close to anyone but Marcie we got so close that we shared clothes and we even knew each other's schedule of everything.

"You two are super weird" Justin spoke up which made us laugh even harder.
"You love that weirdness " Justin shot a glare.

"It was one time Liam!" They both laughed.

"Anyways you two need to leave since we are about to."

They laughed and left and I locked the door as Marcie got into the car.

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