chapter twelve

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 Tiffany was rushed to the hospital. Me and Marcie stayed behind to make a hospital bag with the clothes we had bought for the twins.

"Hey what about this one?" Marcie held up a blue onesie that said Mama's little munchkin. I gave a small smile

"Nope, that's the first onesie I bought when I found out I was pregnant with twin boys." she put it down and picked up another one that was blue and white that said 'Momma's sheriff of Mischief' "OMG YES!" She shoved the onesie in the bag as I grabbed diapers, Mittens, a Beanie, bottles, pacifiers, wipes, and a baby blanket. "Okay you go start the car while i get Tiffany some clothes." she nodded her head and headed out.

I went into my room and opened Tiffany's suitcase. I saw pictures of Me and Ryleigh at the concert with Mr. Walker and Mr Mellow. I smiled at the thought of the memories and carried on back to my mission; The mission of getting clothes and going to my Nephew's birth. I am not going to miss this one. Especially when it's my close friend. After I grabbed her clothes, phone, shoes, and her phone charger I headed out to the car. "You ready?" I nodded my head as Marcie put the car in reverse.

I pulled out my phone only to see Justin's nickname pop up on my screen. It was a bit of a blur at first but when my eyes adjusted to the light I was able to read it.

[Hey, Babe Tiffany said to contact Rye? Whoever that is. I couldn't understand the rest because I was too busy trying to prevent her from breaking my arms.] He sent a cry face emoji. I laughed at his message and then went to my contacts then made sure i clicked the right contact.

I let it ring but it went to voicemail after a minute then I decided to call him again.

{"Yo dessie what's up? I thought you had something to do."}

{yeah i did but ummm...... I ran into to tiff."} i heard him chuckle

{that's great.}

{yeah turns out she's in the hospital.} I could tell he was getting out of bed due to the frantic shuffling of the sheets.

{What the hell happened destiny?}

{Turns out she is having my brother's baby!}

{Oh my god that's great. What hospital?}

{St Francis. I don't know the room though.}

{alright i will be on my way. Oh my god I'm going to be An Uncle!} I could hear the excitement in his voice.

{I know i'm going to be an aunt....again!}

{Okay im headed out i will call you when i get there.}

{Okay, lover boy see you there.} I hung up on him as soon as the car stopped.

"We are here, I will grab the bag and you go find the room number." I shook my head. "I will grab the bag and we will go in together." she nodded in agreement and waited for me.

"Hello, how may I help you today." the lady at the front said tiredly. She looked up. Shelooked like she was only in her twenties ''Tiffany morals?"

"ummmm.....She was rushed in for labor, is that correct?" She looked at the computer.

"Yes ma'am."

"Third floor in room 309"

We headed to the elevator only to bump into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry." they put their hands on their chest. They had a teenage boy with them who looked annoyed.

"Oh it's okay ma'am it's our fault. See we're kind of in a hurry."

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