Chapter Three

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It took me about thirty minutes to an hour to finish listening to all the songs on the album Justin sent me. Now it was time for the hard part...... figuring what the fudge to create. The songs were about a heartbreak and death of a friend and how it was written in the stars or something. So how do I do this?

I had created a broken heart with twinkling stars and wrote in the stars at the bottom.

" I think that should do."

" What Should?" I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder so I turned around and punched the person behind me. "Ow! that hurt" the person held his face.

"Oh my god im so sorry you scared me" i said not knowing who it was until they moved their hand."MORRIS! How did you get in here?" I spat at him.

I couldn't catch a break with this kid. "Your friend let me in, apparently she had a key, and not to mention she likes to eat a lot. She had three slices of pizza at the party and now she's in your fridge."

"I don't have any female friends here, soooo?"

It was true all the other girls didn't like me because they despised my figure, they would call me a slut or a whore because every guy liked me until Justin came along, after that they bullied me.

"So Justin, how do you know...." she dropped her snacks and jumped on me pushing me to the floor. "OH MY GOD.... DESTINY! It's been two months since we last saw each other!" she pretty much squealed

"Hey girly, nice to see you too, and thanks for wasting my favorite snacks. Also THANKS FOR LETTING JUSTIN MORRIS IN MY HOUSE!" I playfully whacked her on her head. "Sorry- wait, that's Justin the A hole you're always talking about?" she whispered but not quite enough that he had a smirk on his face, after she said that. " Yeah and not to mention I thought you were in Cali attending a party." I got up and dusted my clothes off.

"Oh no the party was here, Liam threw the most amazing parties and-

"Wait, the only party that was happening was Justin's brother's party who" i slapped my forehead. "Who just got back from Cali"

"BINGO!" Justin said with a tissue on his lip along with his stupid grin.

"Finally, Liams my boyfriend!" Marcie flat out said.

I know my jaw dropped to the floor when she said that."I'm sorry what!?!" I walked closer to her. "Yeah, that's how I met this guy," she pointed towards Justin. "He said he was looking for you all night and since I know you're not much of a party girl anymore I figured you were here. And I was correct." She gave a bright smile as I walked closer and stood on my tip toes.

"How- could- you- show-him-where-I-live?" I had said as I started shaking her as if I was trying to strangle her.

"I'm sorry babe, i was so excited to see you and he was eager to find you so I figured why not see if you were home."

I let out a breath. " I can't stay mad at you but I can stay mad at him." I walked over to Justin and did the same thing but actually started strangling him, until Marcie pulled me off.

"You are not welcomed here.......EVER!"

"You know you act like you hate me." I turned back around toward him.

"THAT'S BECAUSE I DO!" I let out a frustrated groan.

"Mars, I'm going to change real quick please keep this creep away from my stuff."

"Okay." she said with a mouth full of my bottled whipped cream. didn't she say she hated people who did that?

I brushed off the thought as I walked into my room, and changed from a large t-shirt and underwear to a small t-shirt and basketball shorts.

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