Chapter Seven

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The sun was shining through the window causing me to wake up. I felt someone holding me and being the person I am, I didn't think much of it until I turned around. "OH MY GOD." i screamed

"Good Morning love."

"NO! NOT GOOD MORNING" I started beating him with a pillow until he let me go. Not long after, my door opened with Liam and Marcie in the doorway. "Dez, what are you doing?" she had a blank expression.

"What.....Does.....It ...LOOK...LIKE...I'M... DOING!?" I said still whacking him with the pillow "Trying to kill my brother." Liam replied back.

"BINGO!" I whacked Justin one last time. When I got off the bed he sat up and laughed. "What did you do?" Liam said, wrapping his arms around Marcie as he looked at Justin "Scared the hell out of me, that's what!" They all laughed. "Look after you went to bed i came in here to check up on you, well more of to give your phone back, Anyways i came in here and i was trying to tell you I put your phone on you nightstand and you grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go so i was waiting until you let go and then.... .I fell asleep."

"And you expect me to believe that?" I crossed my arms.

"I believe it, you used to do that with me and Kendlie." my face turned brighter than a tomato. "And also I took a picture of you guys like forty five minutes ago." she looked to the side.

"Run!" I said as she looked at Liam and then took off. I then got up only to be pulled back into bed with justin. "We're not together." I said as I turned around.

"Yeah i know but i want to go back to bed," he got up and locked the door. "And I can't do that when that idiot and your bestfriend like to creep on us." He did have a valid point, and last night took a lot of energy out of me, with my sister and everything.

"By the way you had a couple of messages earlier this morning."

"Huh?" I grabbed my phone off my night stand and saw six unread messages. From three unknown known numbers.

unknown. 1 unread message

[Hey Deserae, it's mom, I just wanted to say sorry, we had gotten new numbers a while ago, your sister told us about what happened. We had no idea, when your friend called she said you were on your way home from a party and you crashed. We figured you guys were drinking.]

Unknown 1 unread message

[Hey dezzy, i'm sorry for putting Larissa before you, families are more important i know that now.] i rolled my eyes

Unknown 4 unread messages

[ Hey sis, I'm sorry I didn't go to the hospital, Lucy had breathing problems a few days before your accident.

[I know i should've called but not long after she was in the hospital for a few weeks and i forgot to. I'm so sorry Destiny. I really am, I hope you're doing okay.]

[Also Happy birthday Sis] At least one of them remembered

[Call later?]

I scoffed and rolled my eyes once more. "What?" Justin put his hands on my stomach. "Nothing, just my family trying to get a hold of me. I mean only one had a good enough reason and at least he's trying to get a hold of me."

"What was the reason?"

"My niece was in the hospital for a few days before I was and left a few weeks after I left the hospital due to breathing problems so he forgot to call." Me and my older brother were always close. I mean yeah we constantly fought but that didn't mean we didn't like each other. He helped me out more times than I could count. He's the main reason why I got enrolled in the school I'm attending now. He made me believe I could do it. Call me selfish but that still doesn't make it better. He hasn't said a word to me in three years. Not on my birthday, Thanksgiving or even Christmas. Not until now

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