Chapter two

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It was already lunch time. It's been four hours since I called Mars so I decided I would hang out with Ryleigh. When I would sit with him at the table we always start talking about his music. Since he was a Dj artist. His beats were awesome. Not to mention he got to play his beats with other Dj artists. He allowed me to go with them since I helped him with some of the beats. We have been friends since our freshmen year. He helped me through a lot of things throughout the time we have known each other.

"Yo Dessie, what's up?" He pulled his headphones around his neck.

"Nothing much, Other than me getting suggested to be a Ziprecruiter for one of the top music companies." I gave him a smile.

"Oh that's nice. Wait oh my god no way!" I gave a big smile and gave a small dance. "That's amazing Dessie. Now you can quit that other job and pay off your rent. And your student loans "I laughed "That's the same thing Mars said." He laughed "Well yeah, we're both your best friends and we both want what's best for you. I mean Damn Des That's like how much?" he started counting on his fingers

"Well you can't get the answer if i didn't tell you how much i would be getting paid for the hour." he let out a chuckle. "You're right so are you going to tell me?"

" 30-35 dollars an hour." his jaw dropped.

"That's ... .I make only a quarter of that! Damn Destiny who the hell offered?" I shrugged. "Classified."

I knew that if I told him he would tell me not to take it. I wouldn't have agreed if my Artist career was on the line and plus its good money so there wasn't any way i could give it up, well that i know of.

"That's a bummer. Maybe I want to make that much money." he gave a fake frown.

"Yeah well," I tapped his cheek. " You have a good paying job and you own your own house, Love!" I giggled "yeah whatever, I gotta go to the bathroom."

"yeah, yeah We all know you are going to go talk to Holly." he gave me the bird as he was walking backwards and then he turned around and left. So I decided to call marcie.

"Hey, what's up?" she put her headphones in.

"It's lunch time, I thought I should call my bestfriend and see how her days are going."

"Oh thanks best friend but I got to go, I will call you back, okay love?"

"Marcie hurry up, we're going to be late! Liam's party will be soon and if you don't hurry up your Boyfriend will wander off without you!"

"Boyfriend?" I asked her.

"I promise I will tell you about it but I have to go." she smiled.

"Okay girly i will see you later and i want every detail since you're ditching me missy!'' I gave a smirk and chuckled.

"Okay love you girly i will see you later." She hung up and I put my phone on the table.

I let out a sigh.

"Oh look at that, the loner's best friend didn't even want to talk to her." Lucas had yanked my hair. "Let go, Brolin!"

"I don't think I will." he gave another yank. I know I promised Marcie not to get into a fight but if he keeps yanking my hair I will have to break that promise.

"Are you going to cry? Your own friend doesn't want to talk to you" he asked, making a pouty crybaby face. "Nope!" I twisted his finger and he let go."

Why should she? She has her own life, something you don't have, matter in fact she has a better time in life than you do, and at least i have Real friends, Brolin!" Oos were heard throughout the lunch room, and I know his girlfriend Tabtitha will try to kick my butt here in a minute. "You're lucky Tabby is sick today." He scoffed.

"Don't you think it's sad that you have to have your girlfriend fight your battles?" I gave my mischievous smirk.

"She doesn't fight my battles."

" Well I'm glad, I have plans after school and I don't want to delay them by getting in trouble, even though they might be canceled since she has a party, but that's whatever I guess." I mumbled the last part. He raised his hand. I was waiting for the impact but it never came. "leave her alone Brolin, seriously you really want to get your ass kicked?" Justin let out a sigh

"So you are defending your girlfriend?" he let out a laugh and yanked his hand back.

"She's not my girlfriend, it's just that me and her had an agreement that requires me to need her in one piece, got that?" he rolled his eyes "yeah sure whatever." and like that he was gone. A part of me was happy that he helped me but the other part wanted to rip him apart as he just said in his own way that he was using me. "You're welcome." he had a grin on his face. "For what exactly?" I tilted my head.

"I just helped you." he gave a slight smile.

"No you just saved your ass, by saving me. Because you know that if I'm hurt in any way I wouldn't be able to help your dad and your allowance will be cut and your dad will be upset and his career will deplenish. Since he is losing a good client." I gave a fake smile. " Alright you caught me Dez." my eyes went wide

"Drop the name Morris! Only my friends call me dez and you're not a friend, you are a thorn in my side!" I spat venom at him as I gave him a cold hard glare.

"Sheesh, sorry must you be so uptight and not take a joke?" I punched him.

"Shut up Justin, you can't expect me to be all buddy buddy with you, when you made the first four years of my life miserable! You don't deserve to call me Dez."

"Sorry Dezzy!" I let out a sigh. "Just leave me alone Morris, I want to eat my lunch without somebody bothering me for once, although I don't have much of an appetite anymore, please." I mumbled while he got up and left while I ate.

It wasn't long after lunch that school ended, surprisingly I stayed out of trouble. I heard of a party that was taking place at Justin's brother's house not far from the school. I wasn't much of a party person, Unless you count weddings, proms, and birthdays that were not for kids then yeah.

Being a twenty three year old that is far from home with a career that you don't even know will happen is hard to handle, It's like I'm walking on eggshells, I haven't seen my family in seven years, not like they care anyways, yes I have a job but it only pays 5$ an hour .

It's not enough to pay my rent so I was hoping for this experience to go well. I was walking into my dorm and I heard my phone ding.

{hey} an unknown number wrote.

At first I was going to ignore it at first but I decided not to.

[who is this?]

[...your one and only love....] they put a smiley emoji next to the message

[the jokes on you, my best friend is my one and only person i love] -crazy face emoji-

[so who is this]

[Justin] I let out a sigh.

[how did you get my number?]

[ I have my way's pumpkin.] I sent a rolling eyes emoji

[that's not nice, princess.]

[and you bullying me isn't nice.]

He didn't reply back for a minute.

[anyways here's the album songs. Don't send them to anyone else because it's extremely illegal right now until it's published.]

[I'm not an idiot, Morris, unlike you I know right from wrong.]

[whatever you say tiny]

[Tiny?] I replied back to him.

[Destiny, has tiny in the name and you dont like me calling you Dizzy or Dez so I'm calling you tiny.]

[whatever!] I sent another rolling eyes emoji.

[and plus you're short.] he send a laughing with tears emoji

[ugh, your so annoying morris!"]

[only for you Love] I scoffed and left him on read then hit the lock button on my phone.

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