Chapter Five

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We finally made it to our destination. Justin and Liam decided to join us in their own car. Mars didn't mind because one, It's her boyfriend and his brother, Two it's the weekend, and Three they have their own Beach house.

I got out of the car as Mars parked it. I don't drive anymore, not since that night anyway. We got out and went into the beach house. It turns out that the Morris beach house is a house down from ours.

"So, do you think Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Mills will show up ?" She shrugged and finished putting up her clothes.

"Even if they did, they can't do anything, they sold this house to the four of us in our names and I've been the one paying it off since." she had stopped what she was doing just to look at me. She had a point. I would help here and there when I get a good check but lately work has been killing me, only a three hundred dollar check a month. That's only enough to pay off half of my rent and even if I did get a six hundred dollar check I would only have enough to pay off my full rent.

"True, I'm still worried that they would." We walked into my room after she had finished her clothes.

"I am too, just a little bit." after she said that a knock was heard.

We looked at each other in confusion.

"The boys weren't supposed to be here till Five," she checked her phone. "It's only four thirty."

"Well I'm not expecting anybody." I turned towards the door.

"I'll go check." She got up to answer the door. I just went back to finishing my clothes. About two minutes later she had screamed my name

"DESTINY!" I ran into the room.

"What happened-" my voice was loud until I looked at the door."

"Oh.....My.....GOD!" I was about to flip. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?"

Out of all the people that could have shown up, why did it have to be them!

"Hey, Dezzy, it's been a while." They waved. "Leave, you are not welcome here and don't call me Dezzy!"

"But Dez-

"Don't" i held up my hand

"Serina, you and Richard need to leave!"

"But we need your help."

"Help? Where were you when Mars had her miscarage, Or when she lost her best friends?"

She didn't say anything afterwards.

"Yo, Marcie, Tiny we brought Oreos!" Justin held up a pack of oreos.

I ran out the door and took the oreos. "Thanks dude." and ran back to the door. Completely forgetting about Serina and Richard.

"You're not getting those back." I heard Mars state at the door. I put the oreos down and went back to the door. "I figured babe." he gave her a kiss.

"BABE!" Both Serina and Richard practically yelled.

"Yeah that's her boyfriend, You gonna get knocked up and steal him too?" I looked up at Serina. "Back off dude she's Mine!" Rick had the audacity to speak.

Mars had shrieked.

"Excuse me!?! Last time we checked you knocked up Mars and then knocked up her sister and married her all while you were with Marcie. So you don't have the right to say that! You hurt my best friend and i Swear to GOD if you Lay a hand on her again like you did before I will kick your ass you repugnant asshole!" Liam pulled her closer and Justin pulled me back so i didn't grab Richard

"I'm going to say this once and only once! Stay the Hell away from me and my best friend! Or I'm suing your ass for Abuse and harassment!

"You have nothing against him!" Marcie's sister got in my face.

"It's funny you think that! Because I think the scars on her back from him say otherwise!" I grabbed Serina "You don't know a damn thing you complete Schmuck!"

"You think I don't know anything, I'm the one who told him to do that!" I saw red and pushed her off the steps onto our lawn. "You Spurious Floozy, helliontonic, Shrew," I used every word I knew to call her a bitch. "My best friend suffered because of you! I swear to god if I ever see your face you will regret it. Everything you worked for will perish!" i spat at her

"You better hope to god you didn't hurt my baby!" I let out a laugh. Then I rolled my eyes. She is already on her seventh child, and they have the audacity to come and ask us for help? Pathetic! "News flash my sister is a strumpet, but you already knew that, so that baby probably isn't even yours!" Marcy slammed the door in his face then proceeded to lock the door.

"Are you okay shortie?" Justin put his hand on my shoulder and I turned around and twisted it out of reflexes.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry." I let go of his hand and put mine up

"It's okay I shouldn't have touched you when your guard was up."

"She gets pretty violent when she's pissed. I mean she's violent anyways but most of the time she's joking. . She had a few siblings who loved to purposely make her mad and would always try to hit her when she was caught off guard, so her reflexes are pretty sharp." Marcie had said as she took out a popsicle from the freezer.

"No wonder she never fought back." I looked at Justin's wrist then headed to the freezer and grabbed a thing of ice "Here." I threw the ice bag at him and opened a bottle of water.

"Thanks?" He looked confused.

"Don't mention it, and I didn't mean to hurt you but you're right. That is why I never fought back because I put my brother in the hospital. When I got mad at her ex-boyfriend my brother kept pushing it and I asked him to stop many times but he kept pulling my hair and slapping me so I broke his wrist and punctured his lung. He told everyone he fell down the stairs because he didn't want to hurt his pride." I shrugged and sat on the couch.

"Damn hot and violent!" i Looked at Liam but before I could say anything Marcie punched him for the second time today. "OW!" He looked at marcie.

"Only I get to say that about my best friend." I smirked, then looked at Justin only to see him smirking as well.

"Don't make me actually break your nose like I almost did last night." I gave my mischievous grin.

"I thought you said you got there earlier this morning before i did" Justin whistled and looked away.

" I did, I got there at one in the morning."

"Yup and he scared me so I punched him." I wasn't going to lie, I don't feel an ounce of guilt about that.

"She hit my nose but busted my lip. Now it all makes sense why she hits so hard."

"Hey you said she got a deal with the old man right?" Liam looked at Justin. "Yeah why?"

"Because they moved the date to tomorrow."

"WHAT!?" Me, Marcie and Justin all yelled.

"You have to tell your dad that we- I have it done and all that needs to be is getting to him."

" I can't, they already announced the new Brindleys Alpaza release."

"What,You guys know Brindley Alpaza?"

Huh I slapped my forehead. I knew that name sounded familiar. That's her favorite Artist. How did I forget that?

"Mars, Don't you dare...." She did dare. She squealed

"WHY ... .DIDN'T....YOU ... .TELL....ME?!?!?" she tried strangling me like i did to Justin.

"Liam, a little help!" he laughed and then finally pulled her off. "I don't find that funny." Justin laughed harder

"C'mon babe it was a little." I playfully slapped him "I'm not your 'babe' Justin!" I let it go since he is my future boss's son.

"Wow she must really hate you." I shot a glare at mars to shut him up.

"Hey, babe, do you mind coming with me for a minute?"

"Sure, why not?" They both walked away into the next room.

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