chapter ten

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Last night was something else. I remember watching tv, but how the hell did i end up on my bed. I pulled the cover and let out a small squeal.

Oh my god I slept with Justin Chase Morris. Marcie is totally going to be all over this. How the fudge did this happen. I felt a pair of hands pull me back.

"Morning love, you look beautiful as ever." He kissed my forehead and I moved away from him and pulled the covers. "This" I motioned a circle between us. "This did Not happen." I know I said in order to be close with Justin I would have to let him in but when I said let him in I did not mean let him in.

I moved my hands to my necklace only to find it missing. Justin must've seen my panic. Because he looked next to me. "Don't worry you took it off last night and put it on the dresser. By the way, I see you kept your room the same." I threw a pillow at him and then grabbed my necklace and put it on. "Turn!" I pointed to the door. He gave me a grin showing his stupid K-9s. "Nothing I haven't seen before, Shortie." I shot him a glare until he finally turned around. I walked over to my closet then back to the bed and got dressed. I'm guessing Justin did too because he was fully dressed in camo pants and military boots with a black T-shirt that I had never seen him wear before.


"Where did you get those?" I looked at his boots. "From your closet, they're kinda small." he shook his foot one at a time

"You're wearing my clothes?" I looked at him dumbfounded.

"These are Yours?" I nodded my head. I always loved wearing mens clothes because they were so easy to sleep in since they weren't so tight.

"They're my paintball clothes." he looked at them a little closer. "I don't see any paint.'' I let out a laugh and it was my turn to grin.

"Well the four of us never lost a battle of paintball, I was one hell of a sniper, Mel was the navigator she told us all the best spots since she been paintballing with her dad and uncles since she was six, Kendlie was a great look out, she could sneak up on anyone, and Mars, well she was good with reason. She was the one who distracted others by throwing a rock or something or if she had to she'd talk to them while Kendlie snuck up on them." he nodded his head and smiled. "And your team name?"

" Dark Mystical Dragon Knights or the Dark Dragon mystical Knights either on" he laughed.

"Also known as D.M.D.K. Destiny, Marcie and Kendlie. The other D is for Melody. Her middle name was Dream so she said to put it in there since D.M.M.K sounded lame " his eyes went wide. "No freaking way." i shook my head. "No way you were part of The D.D.M.K" I nodded my head once more as I took a sip of my water that was placed next to the bed "Mhhhhmmm."

"You're the ones who always kicked our asses." I gave him a questionable look. "We were the Lighting dragons." I spit out my water. And laughed hysterically. "Ahhh you got your asses handed to you." I said , still trying to catch my breath,"oh-oh my god!" I was now on my knees gasping for air. "Five years of getting your asses handed by a couple of girls!"

"I always wondered why you guys quit playing but I guess I know why."

"You might not wanna tell Liam his girlfriend is the one who kicked his ass then." he looked at me but before he could talk i put my hand up. "Your brother is known as lightning correct?" he nodded his head. "She was the Illusionist, I was a midnight range, Kendlie was Kitty softpaws and Mel was Scout." he laughed.

"You were the one who was always sniping my ass." I nodded my head as I closed my bottle of water. "Looks like we have known each other longer than we realized" I then went outside and crossed the decking that led to the gaming area leaving a dumbstruck Justin in my bedroom.

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