Chapter eight

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I spent some time in the treehouse out in the forest. The thought of me kissing Justin kept replaying in my head. All I kept asking was why I kissed him? I don't even like him. Yeah so what If I forgave him but that doesn't mean I like him. Now things are going to get awkward. I mean I knew he liked me. Liam told me that and so did his dad, I know I should've seen it but I guess I was just in denial.

But he kissed me back and I enjoyed it. What the hell is happening to me?

I don't want this again. I promised myself I wouldn't get close to anyone.


This is so frustrating. Even if I did like him, I can't date him because he would be my son's boss.

"This is a mess!" i let out a sigh

"Destiny you have to come down at some point." Marcie yelled from the bottom of the tree.

I didn't bother to listen to her. I couldn't face her, or Justin actually.

"Destiny Desire MaryAnn Julious You Get Down Here This instant!"


"It's not that bad!"

Not that bad my ass! I kissed my arch nemesis. How is it not that bad? I literally had a whole fruit bowl down my bra because of him. I know I said I could forgive him but forgetting is the harder part. I want to forget but I don't think I can. Especially after what happened today. I know that it was my fault that we kissed. But that's like the number one rule on my list.


Rule number two is don't quit school because of pricks like Justin Morris, Carol Gibson, and Lucas Brolin.

Those were the top three popular kids in our school. They were all best friends too, major athletic nerds and Major Assholes..

And rule number three is don't ever let Marcie down ever.

I mean it's the most important rule I have other than not kissing Jutin and I just did that and I don't know how I feel.

I never really kissed anyone. They kissed me on the lips and I slapped them because I wasn't ready or it caught me off guard. I only ever kissed someone on the cheek, never on the lips because I felt like if I did they'd leave and I had never felt a spark with them.

"Destiny you need to get down here right now!"


"But you guys are so cute together!"

"¡No, no somos Marcie! ¡No quiero hablar de eso!" I let out a gasp

(no we're not marcie, I don't want to talk about it.)

not again.

When I get overly upset in embarrassment or panic I start speaking in Spanish for some reason. I mean that's how my parents always knew I was lying.

"UGH, Destiny you know I can't understand you!"

" No me interesa"

"You better be interested, Because how am i supposed to talk to you when you're speaking another language Dez?"

The only thing Marcie can understand when I'm speaking another language is 'I don't care' . That's because I would always say 'I do not care,' or I'm not interested when i'm really embarrassed or flustered.

Marcie learned how to speak Italian instead of her own language. I, on the other hand, had learned Spanish when I was in elementary school. Only because my friend couldn't speak english so i had learned spanish so i could talk to her family. It was a win-win."Dez, please it's already 5:45. You have been up there for two hours."

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