Chapter Thirteen

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By the time I woke up Justin wasn't next to me and I remembered where I was. I went to go find marcy only to see justin on the couch and Marcie nowhere to be seen or found. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to check the time only to see twelve missed calls. Six from Marcie, three from TIff and three from Ryleigh. And forty two unread messages.

I must have slept too damn hard not to hear my phone going off.

I opened Ryleighs messages first.

[ Hey, Dessie, where'd you go? You and Morris left.] 4:34am

[hey it's your best bitch Rye, Tiff is asking about you.....] 5:23am

[Destiny please answer us, are you okay?] 6:53 am

[oh my god your mom is driving me crazy,] 7:14 am

[wait thats your sister.......SOS please] 7:15

I laughed at the last one then I looked at TIffany's messages.

[hey girl, rye said you left] 5:29 am

[with Morris] 5:30 she had a grinning emoji next to the message and I rolled my eyes and kept scrolling.

[oh and by the way, thanks for watching Leroy while i passed out.] 5:31

[hey girly you up?] 6:25

[Rye is flipping out, please answer us.] 6:45

[oh my god your sister is hitting on Ryleigh, he's totally wigging out.] 7:10am she had a laughing emoji next to it and i laughed at it

I do not want to read Marcies text nor my brothers so I put my phone back in my pocket and headed to my room to get changed. When I was done Justin was up and he looked tired as hell when I walked out. "Hey, did you sleep well?" I nodded my head in response. "I got twelve miss calls and had forty two unread messages." he let out a chuckle as he made him some coffee. I smiled at him as he put up the coffee pot. " I miss Leroy, I know I held him for a few hours but it didn't feel like it was that long." he smiled at me. "Looks like you got baby blues." I frowned.

"I was joking." he put his hands up in surrender.

"I know you were, but I miss him so much already. Every time I look at him I see my kids. I know it sounds weird but when we Julious's are babies we look alike. Especially the males... It's weird, I guess our family has the dominant traits." I let out a small chuckle. I lied to marcie.." he looked at me confused.

"When they were born nobody was able to go in the room. They were alive but they died five minutes after they were born. I didn't get to hold them when they were alive, only after they died was when I held them. It hurt, I wanted them so badly but I couldn't. I already told Marcie this but a part of me was glad they passed, she said I was only glad because they didn't have to struggle on getting by like i was." I walked over to the mantle that my boys were placed on top of. I brushed my hands on their urn and gave a small smile.

"I'm proud that Tiff was able to find her happiness. Same with Silas." Justin came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I stiffened for a moment but relaxed because I knew I was safe. I didn't even realize my hands were on my necklaces. "Hey, we have to go now." I nodded and grabbed my purse and headed out.

On our way to his parents' industries I was extremely nervous, my hands were shaking and my palms were sweaty. I was so scared I wouldn't be able to get this job because if i didn't he would end my art Career before it even started. Logan Morris is big in the music industry. His employees are fantastic. I don't even compare, Many people tried to meet his needs but never did, so what makes me so special?

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