Prologue: The beginning of the Prince of Ice

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At the coldest section of the supernatural world, and inside of the giant 50 story castle with 5,093 rooms, including bathrooms and a master bedroom then we see Y/n Frostia, the next household of the Frostia family, was sleeping on his giant king-size bed for many girls to sleep with him like 5-10 people.

Then his door open up and the unknown person walks towards him while he's sleeping and having a pleasant dream.

???: Young master.

Y/n: Mmmm....

???: Young master.

Y/n: No, mom. Give more minutes...

???: (Giggle) I would love to hear about your voice but I do believe it is time to wake up.

His eyes was beginning to flutter his eyes open and he was groggy. He sees a woman with gray hair, and was wearing a maid outfit. His own maid, Grayfia Lucifuge.

Grayfia: Good morning, Young master

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Grayfia: Good morning, Young master.

Y/n: Morning, Grayfia. What brings you into my room?

Grayfia: Your mother and father has requested me to bring you to them along with your peerage. I believe it's not urgent.

Y/n was curious about why his parents wanted him. He snapped out of his thoughts and turned to Grayfia and said.

Y/n: Tell them I'll be down in a minute.

Grayfia bow slightly and said to him.

Grayfia: As you wish, young master.

She walks out of his room, leaving him behind. He gets up from his bed and decided to get dressed up.

As he was getting dressed, he sees his Katerea leviathan, his queen piece/Second in command, was walking in our of his shower in his room.

As he was getting dressed, he sees his Katerea leviathan, his queen piece/Second in command, was walking in our of his shower in his room

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Katerea: Are you going somewhere?

Y/n: Just my parents, Katerea. Grayfia told me and it's not urgent. They wanted me, and rest of you guys. So, you better get dress.

She puts on her usual clothing and as for Y/n, he was wearing a white suit and black highlights with a small fur shawl on his neck.

She puts on her usual clothing and as for Y/n, he was wearing a white suit and black highlights with a small fur shawl on his neck

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