Chapter 10: Fire vs ice, so cold it burns

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As the Rating Game begins, Y/n was instructing his and Rias's peerage to fight against Riser's peerage as he told them that he's going to fight Riser on his own as he told them what opponent their going to fight and the split apart as Y/n was running to where's Riser is while everyone else is fight their own opponents while his family along Rias's family as they watching Y/n on the screen while the fight was going on.

Meanwhile with Y/n, he reached to Riser and confront with him. Then Riser asked him a question.

Riser: Why'd you even confront with me? This marriage is our survival of our race as devils and you should know that.

Y/n: Have I told you that I don't give a fuck about it! The only thing that matters is me defeating you, Riser Phoenix! I should defeat you on this very spot.

Riser: I should say the same thing to you. And besides, you should you're not strong enough for me.

Y/n: *Taunting* Ohh... I'm so scared.

This made Riser angry at him from Y/n and his taunt, he made a fire ball and launched it at him as Y/n made a wall of ice and exploded it when the smoke cleared and the ice wall he made is still standing and Y/n was gone.

Riser: What? Where'd he go?

Y/n placed his hand on Riser's shoulder and he was behind him.

Y/n: I haven't told you that my family's ice magic is very cold and not even Phoenix fire can't melt it.

Riser looks at him amd jump backwards as he launches more fire at him as Y/n summon a tornado as a barrier to block it and made his tornado dissolve as Y/n summon ice magic and blasting Riser as he dodge it out of the way as Y/n made a ice sword and was striking at Riser and made a fire blast as Y/n slice the fire blast in half with his ice sword.

Then Y/n made his ice magic to blast Riser to the ground casing a small crater, when Riser was getting up from the pain and turned to Y/n as he was walking to Riser but Riser was being underestimating by Y/n, so he got enraged and flew to the sky and made a gigantic fire magic as he launches it to him but Y/n used his wind magic to blast it and redirect it to Riser and explodes on impact as he falls to the ground in pain.

Riser was trying to get up and try to heal his wounds but his regeneration abilities didn't work and made him shocked about it.

Riser: Why can't I heal?!

Y/n: Isn't it simple? You're mind has simply broken and was tiring you out, looks like my plan has worked out perfectly. You've lost, Riser.

Riser then accepted his defeat by Y/n Frostia. When the battle has ended, everyone was cheering for him and saw his parents was clapping for him then he regroup with everyone else while Issei said.

Issei: We've won!

Kazuma: You could say that again, perv.

Issei: Hey! What'd I do?

Kazuma: Made those girls nude using that "secret weapon" of yours.

Tatsumi: Seriously, man. You're a threat to girls.

They all laughed at Issei while Rias walked to Y/n and gave him a passionate kiss while he was melting into her kiss and holding her waist and she said.

Rias: You're owning me that date.

Girls: Date?!?!

Then the girls was arguing about Y/n and dating with him causing a sweat drop to the boys but laughing at them. At the his house and was having a party due to their victory against Riser and Sirzechs order Riser's peerage to live with Y/n as he told Sirzechs that he need some serious upgrades for his mansion, he agreed with Y/n. At the balcony with Y/n, Ophis made it back and found a his second Peerage pictures and he looked at them and said.

Ophis: Do they look good?

Y/n: I'd say they're perfect. Are they here in Kuoh?

Ophis: Yes. Still wondering about Kurumi Tokisaki person?

He nodded.

Ophis: But you'll be ready for her, right?

Y/n: Yeah. Anyways I told Ajuka to make me second evil pieces just in case I do like a second Peerage.

Ophis: That's good. Anyways, I should be leaving now. Maybe we'll hang out sometimes.

He then waved at Ophis as she went to magic portal and disappeared. Then Rias was walking to him and said that he should join the party with the rest of them and he agrees with Rias.

Meanwhile at the unknown location, Kurumi was staring at the night sky for a moment then she heard something behind her as she turned around.

Kurumi: Thought you be here.

???: Those fallen angels did give me and my sis a hard time, nightmare

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???: Those fallen angels did give me and my sis a hard time, nightmare. Did you find her man?

Kurumi: I did. But we agreed that we're sharing our Y/n. Haven't you forgotten about that deal, Senkō?

Senkō: We haven't forgotten about it. Our lady is growing impatient with this wild goose chase.

Kurumi: You mean that half Yomā girl? We'll find him, Senkō. Besides, I was the one who fallen for him in the first place. He's located at Kuoh Academy.

Senkō: Is that so? Well then, me and Gekkō should attend to this school. In the meantime, Kurumi. Keep out of our way.

She nodded in agreement as Senkō was walking back to the darkness of the forest. With Y/n and Rias, they're were cuddling up in bed after they had sex with each other.

Rias: That was amazing~. You know how to please a woman, Y/n.

Y/n: I know. My mom did call me the lady killer. Goodnight, my princess of destruction~.

Rias: Goodnight, my ice prince~.

Then they both fell asleep together.

(Hope you enjoyed the season 1 finale of Frost prince! Now, there's going to be a OVA of Y/n and Rias dating each other! Also, who's going to be in Y/n's second peerage thanks for Ophis. Leaver your names for them in the comments below and peace out!)

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