Season 2 ch1: Pieces are falling into place

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In his dream, MC is being sitting down on the fancy throne with his treasures with him as he sees his lovers and wives where they're wearing really fancy dresses but he then wakes in reality, he sees Rias who was sleeping on his chest, he gently shook her to wake up and she opened her eyes and both of them kissed each other on the lips, then she was tracing her finger on his chest and saying.

Rias: We have to go to school, Y/n.

Y/n: Can't we just cuddle up in bed?

Rias: I wish we could but we have to go.

Y/n: *chuckle* Alright, my crimson beauty.

So both of Y/n and Rias gotten up from his bed and proceeded to take a shower together while she was washing his back and he did the same to Rias. After they've done showering and getting dressed up as they walking to the kitchen and started to eat breakfast before they went out the door to walk to Kuoh Academy to start their day.

(Major timeskip brought to you by Y/n giving Wendy a piggy back ride!)

After school and his Peerage was told by Rias to kill two stray devils that was spotted by his peerage's familiars and Y/n really need to let out some steam, they gotten readying up while Y/n getting his family sword as Kiba spotted his other one and Y/n was getting concerned about why he sees his weapon.

At the location, he was doing his part of the second stray devil with his peerage was on the lookout and Tatsumi spotted the stray devil and said to his friends.

Tatsumi: Hey, guys! Found a stray!

Then the stray devil is giant one with claws was sharp as ten blades, Y/n turned to Wendy and told her.

Y/n: Wendy, think you could handle this one.

Wendy: On it!

Wendy used her hurricane blast and completely destroyed the second stray devil in seconds. Then after they've killed the stray devil and he heard a slap and saw Rias who was talking to Kiba about why he did nothing and Issei tried to talk to him and failed, Tatsumi turned to Y/n and asked him.

Tatsumi: What happened to Kiba when he's with Rias?

Y/n: Don't know, Tatsumi. Something tells me that he isn't himself.

Tatsumi: What makes you say that?

Y/n: I really don't know but it's the other sword I have back at home and I think it reminds him of something.

Wendy: Maybe he have a bad dream?

Y/n: Don't know, Wendy. Anyways, let's go home but I'm wondering about when my second peerage is arriving thanks to Ophis.

Tatsumi: That reminds me, how'd you meet Ophis?

Y/n: I don't know, man. It remains a mystery.

So, they were walking back to his house after killing the stray devil but Y/n saw the two female exorcist who was walking out of the church and he sensed them having a holy sword on them but he was wondering about who are they and why are they hear in the first place. Back to his mansion of his house, Y/n was working out his body but Wendy came in and asked him something as he looked at her.

Y/n: Wendy? What's up?

Wendy: It's about Kiba. He left your house a few minutes ago when you're working out.

Y/n: I'm not sure what's going on with Kiba, Wendy.

Wendy: If I get hurt, Y/n, will you protect me?

Y/n: Wendy. Of course, I'll protect you. You're like a little sister to me and the most nicest person in my team. And I'll let no one to harm you, not even a ten-winged fallen angel.

Wendy was happy to hear that from him and she hugged him as he hugged her back and Akeno saw them with the others even Koneko. So, they're eating dinner and Y/n was getting worried about where Kiba is as he told Shimo to find him and she nodded at her master. When dinner was done but Issei texted Y/n and said that they're something going on at his house and Y/n told Tatsumi and Kazuma to investigate on Issei's house, they both nodded and they left his house.

With Y/n, he was getting ready to go to bed but he sees Wendy who was in her cute pink pajamas, she asked him if she could sleep with him to protect her in her dream and he agreed with her as she hopped on his bed and both of them went to sleep.

(That's it for season 2 chapter 1 of Frost prince, hope you guys like it and I deeply apologize for making this short one because I wanted to build up to the next chapter of this story. So leave your prediction on what's going to happen in Chapter 2 of season 2 in the comments below!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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