Chapter 4: Settlings temperature down across the nation

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At his bedroom and the sun light was shining on Y/n's causing him to get up from his bed and walked into his bathroom, took a shower and got dressed up, then walked to school.

Inside of his school, Y/n and both Sona and Rias are in the private room in the school. Y/n told them about the rescue mission he had yesterday and he said that he'll take care of Raynare, Kalawarner, and Mittelt under his care.

Then Rias asked him about his decision about three female fallen angels who's living under him, then he replied and said that he'll tell them if they would want to join his Peerage.

Then Sona realized something.

Sona: Rias. I heard you rescued Issei again last night.

Rias: Of course, then he was almost got killed by freed sellzen. But he does have a sacred gear and he has to be aware to not to go to the church again.

Y/n then heard his name then he has having a dark, cold aura around him.

Y/n: (Cold) Tell me, did Issei did anything to you Rias? If he did, I may have to punish him to the max.

Rias: No, he didn't. (Y/n, I forgot that you're too protective of me.)

Then his dark aura disappeared and he returned to his normal self.

Y/n: Good. Now, I believe that I have to go to my art class.

He gets up and walked to his class while leaving Sona and Rias in there. Sona looks at Rias and said.

Sona: Looks like Y/n doesn't like perverts.

Rias: His parents raised him on how to be a gentleman and he played chess with his mother and he never lost.

This peaked Sona's interest.

Sona: Really, is that so? (Maybe, I could offer him a game of chess.)

Then at the classroom, Y/n was doing some class work and spotted Issei and his two idiot friends. He walks over to Issei and said to him.

Y/n: Issei, is it?

Issei: Yeah? What's up?

Y/n: Did you get attack last night?

Issei: I said that to matsuda and motohama today and didn't believe me.

Baldy: You must be losing your marbles, bro.

Issei: I'm not! I'm telling you the truth here!

Four eyes: Issei, what're the chances to run into a guy wearing a suit of armor who saved you?

Y/n: (Issei must be talking about Tatsumi who saved him last night. And Rias must have brought him back to life as a devil.)

Then kiba came in and picked Issei up. The girls told kiba to not catch Issei and his pervert energy. But Y/n told the girls that he'll be ok and continued about his class until the end of the day.


At the end of the day, Y/n was walking back to his house while it was still day time outside and as he was walking, he senses someone and vanished.

Y/n: (What was that just now? Either it's 'Nightmare' or someone else.)

Then he continues to walk back to his house, but he realized that his pet cat is still in his room, he imagine that his pet cat was sleeping cutely on his bed.

When he arrived at his house, he opened the door and he was greeted by Belfast.

When he arrived at his house, he opened the door and he was greeted by Belfast

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