OVA #1: Date around the world

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After several days after Y/n defeating Riser and he was bombarded by mails about trades, alliances, and marriage contracts in different factions of the supernatural world, he sighed of exhaustion due to him being extremely popular and destroying Riser. When he arrived at his new improved house with new rooms and houseguests, as he was walking downstairs to the living room and realized that he has a date with Rias this weekend and his peerage intervene with him while Wendy is pouting cutely at him but he knows that he doesn't forget his peerage and what they did to win against Riser.

So, at the outside of his house and around lunchtime while they're outside and talking about their day.

Y/n: Can't believe we've won, boys.

Tatsumi: And we didn't lost.

Y/n: My family never lost against anyone, Tatsumi.

Kazuma: By the way, Y/n. When's your date with Rias?

Y/n: This weekend. But I did taught myself teleportation magic so I can take Rias and me all over the world. But she can't know that.

Kazuma: We won't tell her, Y/n.

Then we cut to the weekend and he was getting dressed up for his date with Rias but Grayfia came in and let Rias in his bedroom, she was wearing her red dress and he was loving her dress.

Y/n: You look beautiful, Rias.

Rias: And the same thing as you, Y/n.

They both walked out of his room as Issei was crying in jealousy because Y/n is stealing Issei's girl but Kazuma gut punch and Issei collapsed on the ground. Then Y/n summon a portal and he lets Rias go first as he follows her and they arrive at Paris, France.

Rias: Where are we?

Y/n: We're at France and see the Eiffel tower over there. Now, let's have fun together.

So they're walking around in Paris and trying out different food and seeing the beautiful moonlight and was shining on Rias like a beautiful goddess and told her that he can use it once a year, then they went to USA and saw the fireworks at the fourth of July, England to drink tea, Disney world in Florida, Artic circle to see the northern light while he cover Rias with his fur cape, carnival at Rio in South America, and this continues for hours on end.

He summoned a portal that leads back to Kuoh, Japan. Rias kiss him with passion while he was holding her waist and was melting into her kiss and they went back to his house in Kuoh. Before he went to bed as he and Rias changed into their night outfit and Rias said to him.

Rias: I have a wonderful time with you, Y/n.

Y/n: I had a great time too.

As they're getting in the bed while covering them with blankets and Rias place her head on his chest and both of them fell asleep.

(Hope you guys enjoyed it and sorry for this short OVA everyone. I'm tired and I need to sleep early today because I have to see my mom until 1 pm.)

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