Chapter 7: Meeting pimp chicken wannabe

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Inside of his dream, Y/n was having a dream that he was in Tengu city while he saw himself getting Tohka as his member of his Peerage. As he was saw himself, he heard a familiar laugh.

He started to panic and was saying in fear.

Y/n: No, stay away from me!! Aaaaaahhhhh!!

Then he wakes up in the real world while he screamed in fear and was sitting up from his bed. He started to look around his room to see the woman who he saw in his dream. Then he sighed in relief and he checked on his phone, he went to the bathroom and decided to take a shower inside of his bathroom in his bedroom.

He took off his clothes, and was washing his body including his hair. As he was showering, he was thinking about the woman he saw in his dream.

Y/n: (I hope I don't see her soon.)

After he gets dressed, he walks downstairs and one of his peerage looks at him and was wondering why'd he scream while he just left.

Inside of the school in Kuoh Academy, Y/n sees Tatsumi, and Tohka are in the school with him. While they're in the classroom, the teacher made announcement about a new student coming here in Kuoh Academy, Y/n was being a grew curious who it is and the teacher called her in.

The new girl has black hair with matching pigtails, has porcelain skin, and red eye on her right and her hair is covered her left.

The new girl has black hair with matching pigtails, has porcelain skin, and red eye on her right and her hair is covered her left

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Kurumi: Hello everyone. I'm Kurumi Tokisaki.

Everyone was happy that they got a new student, Y/n saw her and immediately gets flashbacks of he and Kurumi encountered each other and she traumatized him, so he remained calm but in the inside, he was really scared of her.

Then the teacher told her to sit by Y/n, she walks towards him and sits by him on her own desk.

As the classroom was starting to their school work, Y/n sense a familiar magic around the ORC building, so he tells the teacher that he may be excused from his class and the teacher allowed him to get out of class as Y/n Tohka, and Tatsumi was walking to the club house and while they're walking, Tohka say Y/n with a scared face on him and was concerned about him and the same thing as Tatsumi.

When they arrive at the ORC club door, Y/n heard something behind it and he recognized the cocky attitude and he opened the door, he then saw Riser Phoenix.

Riser: And who might you be interrupting Riser?

Y/n: (I completely forgot that he's speaking in third person.)

Riser: Answer Riser now.

Y/n: Sorry. But why would I speak a cocky pimp chicken wannabe trash like you for example, Riser?

The girls was giggling and the boys was laughing at Y/n's roast and Issei said.

Issei: That was amazing, man.

Y/n and Issei high-five each other, while Sirzechs's maid, sakuya Izayoi was giggling as well but Riser was getting mad and reading up his fire but Y/n used his ice magic to put out his fire leaving Riser's shock about it. Y/n continue to make fun of him until Sakuya Izayoi told him to stop. They started to talk about something called the rating game and Y/n's family won it over 30 times, but Y/n said that Riser has won last time because he's cheated, and Riser has to lie about it.

Then Riser summon his peerage and said to him.

Riser: Fifteen pieces. A complete set.

Issei then begins to cry on the floor and Y/n sigh at him. But Riser asked him about his peerage and Y/n summon his peerage and Riser realized something about his peerage and said.

Riser: You only have fourteen pieces.

Y/n: I'm still looking for another knight ok?

Riser told his queen piece, Yubelluna to walk to Riser but she walks towards Y/n instead, as she sat on his lap while wrapped her arms around his neck, and he decided to flirt with her.

Y/n: You're Yubelluna? My word, you look beautiful like a snow that falls gracefully.

Y/n: You're Yubelluna? My word, you look beautiful like a snow that falls gracefully

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Yubelluna: I do, huh~? You do have way with words~.

She then proceeded to make out with him while she grabbed his hand and placed his hand on her breasts while they're making out and the girls was blushing madly at Y/n but Issei was crying like a little bitch and Riser was getting mad for Y/n making out with Yubelluna. So after they've made out kissing, he gently bite her neck causing her to moan in pleasure and he said to Riser to put salt in the wounds.

Y/n: Sorry, Riser. Looks like she chose me instead of you and why you ask, it's because I'm better than you ever be.

Riser was getting extremely mad at him for insulting him and he thought of an idea in his mind.

Riser: How about I give you ten days to you and Rias to train.

Y/n: Really, Riser. Ten days to train. Bitch, please, my Peerage can destroy your Peerage without breaking a sweat.

Then Riser and his Peerage disappeared and Y/n got up from his seat while he looked at rias and told her that he'll help her because she doesn't want Riser to be his wife and Y/n will make sure that it'll never happen on his watch.

Meanwhile at his house, Y/n was preparing to go to bed early but he suddenly had a horrible flashback when he encountered Nightmare AKA Kurumi Tokisaki when he fought her and she scared him badly and he was about to cry then Katerea came in and saw him while she was concerned about him.

Katerea: What's wrong, Y/n?

He looks at his queen piece and said nothing is wrong with him but she's worried about him and he couldn't hold it in anymore as he crying his eyes out as Katerea hold him because he was in pain from his encountered with Kurumi.

Katerea: Do you want me to sleep with you tonight?

He nodded so both he and Katerea hopped on his bed, when they laid down on his bed, she grabbed his head and placed his head gently on her breasts as a pillow and both of them went to sleep peacefully.

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