Chapter 6: The pressure of being popular

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At his house, Y/n woke up and noticed that Kuroka was smothering him between her breasts. When Grayfia came in to wake him up and the same thing as his Peerage came in, some of them was jealous of their new bishop, especially Wendy.

Wendy: (I wish I have breasts. But my big brother loves me if I was a flat chest.)

Then Y/n asked Kuroka if she could let go of him, then she did. He got a text from Sirzechs and he informed Y/n that now Kuroka is now innocent. After he replied to him and told him that she was his new bishop from yesterday. But they heard a doorbell rings.

Tatsumi: Who could that be?

Y/n walked down the stairs and headed to the front door and saw people with cameras and asking him to many questions then he closed the door.

Katerea: Who was that?

Y/n: The paparazzi. I know they find me!

Kalawarner: Is that a bad thing?

Y/n: Yes. They always swarming over me, taking pictures, asking me questions! Can't a guy can go without paparazzi?!

He's been harassed by the paparazzi ever since he showed that Kuroka is innocent yesterday. And this continues to for a couple of days, interrupting the peace, asking Rias and her Peerage and the same thing as Sona and her peerage. Y/n had a enough of this, so he told Sona to call Serafall to get the rid of the paparazzi. Then Serafall showed up and told the paparazzi to go away from them.

While Serafall is dealing with the paparazzi, Rias asked him about getting his Peerage their own familiar. But Issei asked Rias about what a familiar is.

(If you see the episode of the familiar in DXD, you should know.)

After Rias demonstrated her familiar, and the same thing as Akeno's and Koneko's. But Rias asked Y/n something.

Rias: Can you show us your familiar, Y/n?

He nodded, then used his magic to summon his familiar and a raging cold winds starting to swirl around the circle and outcomes, Shimo, the Mother of all Titans, and his familiar.

He nodded, then used his magic to summon his familiar and a raging cold winds starting to swirl around the circle and outcomes, Shimo, the Mother of all Titans, and his familiar

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Y/n: Everyone, this is Shimo, my familiar. Shimo, This is Rias and her peerage.

Shimo: It's a pleasure to meet you all.

Then Issei started being a pervert but Y/n and Koneko punched him in the gut and collapsed on the floor. Rias recognize Shimo, because Rias was astounded and scared of Shimo, she asked Y/n and said.

Shimo: Why is Rias scared of me?

Y/n: She never met you before, Shimo.

Rias: Y/n, how do you have Shimo, an ice titan as your familiar? She nearly wiped both the heavenly dragons!

Y/n: I found her in the familiar forest when I was sixteen, she sensed my powers and then bang, she's my familiar. My parents and the familiar master was terrified when I showed them Shimo.

Kiba: Were you scared when you saw Shimo?

Y/n: Honestly, yes. But she hasn't harmed me but she became loyal to me ever since.

Y/n asked Issei about his sacred gear, he brings it out and Ddraig was speaking out of his gauntlet.

Then Sona came in and her peerage saw Shimo and was scared of her. But Sona's new pawn, Saji came in and started a fight between Issei but Y/n ignore it, then Rias suggested a Dodgeball and who wins can go to the familiar forest.

(If you see this Dodgeball scene from DXD, you should know.)

After Rias and her peerage won, Y/n, Rias and their Peerage went to the familiar forest.

Tatsumi: This is the Familiar forest, huh?

Asia: It's so scary here.

Issei: It's going to be alright, Asia.

Then a some guy who literally looks like Ash from Pokemon appear out of nowhere startled everyone.

???: Who wants me?!

Issei: Oh shit!

Tatsumi: Where'd he comes from?!

Rias explain that's Zatouji, master of familiar, and he speaks in rhymes. He looks at Y/n and said.

Zatouji: Y/n, my boy! Seeing you back here that brings me joy!

Y/n: Sup, Zatouji.

Issei: Why's he...?

Akeno: He only speaks in rhymes.

Asia: Can I have a cute one?

Zatouji: Done and done for a young lady want a fun and cute familiar.

Issei: Can I have one with huge melons?

Zatouji looks at Issei and said.

Zatouji: Why'd you want that, you disgrace?

Then Y/n laughed at what he said because it was true.

Zatouji: What brings you here, Y/n?

Y/n: Nothing much. Me and my peerage wanting their own familiars. Is there new one to have?

He nodded. Y/n turned to his Peerage and said that they can find their own familiars. So everyone split up, while Y/n was looking around to find his second familiar since he has Shimo.

At the cold area of the familiar forest where Y/n meet Shimo, a cold gust of winds starting to blow and outcomes a dragon and was looking at both of them.

At the cold area of the familiar forest where Y/n meet Shimo, a cold gust of winds starting to blow and outcomes a dragon and was looking at both of them

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???: Who dares to enter my domain?

Y/n: Yeah, hi. Remember me?

The dragon recognized him and she bow her head in panic.

???: A member of the Frostia family!! I am sorry for a attitude I have!

Shimo: You know her?

Y/n: Maybe. But, I've got a question for you.

The ice dragon titled her head in confusion and asked him why and he told her to be his familiar along with Shimo. After she agreed to be his second familiar and she told her name is Velkhana.

When Y/n said his familiar chant, she's officially his familiar. Then they heard a scream, both Y/n, Shimo started to head to the source of the sound and Y/n sees Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Asia who were cover in slime but Y/n used his ice magic to freeze the slime and shattered it into pieces.

Issei was beginning to cry because of his slime then Koneko kicked him in the nuts. When his Peerage got by from gathering their own familiars and bid their goodbyes to Zatouji and left the familiar forest.

Then everyone has their own familiars and went to bed. While everyone was sleeping, the unknown girl was the same person when Y/n and was watching him.

???: Fufufu~, looks I'll meet him at this Kuoh Academy tomorrow morning.

Then she disappeared into the darkness.

(Hope you guys enjoyed it. The next chapter is Riser. And I'll make the his Peerage's familiars.)

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