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  -Two days later

  "How has Miyu been? Last I saw she looked rough?" Akari worried, only looking at Airi and not her girlfriend that sat beside her.

  "She is doing a bit better. We are starting small." Airi let out some light laughter, taking a bite of her food. "How have you been Akari? How's things going with your campus crush?"

  "Nothing, turned out that she was straight. Ain't that a bust."

  Jinae tried to add to the conversation, saying that from personal experience, that feeling sucked. However, the vampire decided to go quiet after the glare she thought she received from Akari.

  "I'll be right back." Jinae excused, lightly squeezing Airis hand before departing to the bathroom. She felt the eyes burning into her back as she walked away, leaning against the restroom door as it closed.

  "Airi, are you really sure about Jinae?"

  She frowned, her head slightly tilting to the side. "What do you mean?"

  Akari shrugged, messing with a bit of her hair. "I have a really bad feeling about her. She probably never tells the truth."

  Airi sat there in disbelief, yet she kept her expression blank. The fact that her so-called best friend would assume something without proof..

  "Akari, may I ask you something?"

  "Of course!"

  "Do you like me romantically?"

  Going red as a tomato, she began to nervously laugh. "No, we are best friends! You aren't my type anyway."

  "Then what makes you assume something of someone you know nothing about?"

  "I'm s-sorry! You are r-right, I should stay in my place."

  "Sorry, there was a small line." Jinae returned, surprised when Airi took her hand under the table.

  "Jinae, are you the jealous type?" Akari rushed to ask, confusing the couple.

  She shook her head. "I'm protective- I wouldn't say jealous though."

  "Good, because Airi and I are best friends. We are each other's number one, so don't get jealous of me!" She giggled as though it was a joke, leaving the two with a feeling of unease.

  "Where are you from? You may not completely understand how Airi, Miyu and I have grown up. It was quite the-

  "That's enough, Akari. I'm really sorry but I promised Miyu we would be back soon. I'll see you later, yeah?"

Before Akari could argue, the couple was already out of the boba shop and walking down the street.

  "Hey, baby- baby!" Jinae stopped Airi, letting out a small sigh. "What.. just happened?"

  "You were right. Akari has something against you and I'm not sure why."

  Jinae gave a small smile and pulled her in for a hug. "It's okay. I can handle anything she has to throw at me. Don't worry too much."

  "Thank you."


"I will admit, it's been a minute since I've had alcohol. I really shouldn't with the state my body is in right now." Miyu dryly chuckled. Kimiko stared at her best friend in worry while she takes another sip.

"Miyu, you are really thin."

She nodded, a small pink hue starting to cover her cheeks. "I know, I'm pretty, aren't I?"

She shook her head. "You are always pretty. I can't admit that you look healthy. I like your original weight on you more."

Miyu chuckled. "You always tell me the blunt truth, don't ya?"

"You're so drunk.."

"So what if I am? Its been foreverrrr."

"Hey, Miyu?"

"Yeah?" She picked up her head, making the other question if she even wanted to ask.

"Are you.. romantically involved with Seungmin?"

Miyu let out a dramatic breath, sliding down in her seat. "You know what? I don't even know! He makes me all giddy and my heart races but- ugh! He is so fucking confusing! Why do men always give me mixed signals? Maybe I should just go to women!"

Kimiko chuckled, covering her mouth as she did so. "Yeah, I agree. Men never know what they want or they want too much."

"He isn't like that though. Seungmin has never once made me uncomfy! He is a true gentleman!"

"Still.." she started, moving a bit closer. "Something is off about him. I don't think he is a good guy, Mimi."

Miyu firmly shook her head. "He has been there to save me every time I have been in danger! He-"

"What puts you in danger in the first place?"

Miyu went quiet. She looked down at her drink, noticing a singular eyelash had fallen into the glass.

  Is that bad luck?

Thinking back to the first time she had met Seungmin, he had mysteriously shown up to save them, once again showing up right as Airi was in danger again.

  It did seem as though.. after Seungmin protected us.. we became targets

"Alright, it's getting close to eleven. You should call Byeol to come get you."

Miyu shook her head and checked her phone. No one had texted her yet. "Seungmin is waiting downstairs for me. I'll meet him down there!"

"No, just let him come up here. You are way too-"

"Kimiko, I promise I am okay. He is right at the elevator waiting for me. I'll see you around?"

"Yeah. Love you girl! Text me when you get home safe!" She said with a bit of uncertainty, watching Miyu stumble over to the elevator and click the down button.

Once she was on, she flashed Kimiko a smile and thumbs up before the doors closed. She finally released her breath, staring at the ground until the doors opened again.

She walked out of the reception area and the front doors of the complex, taking a deep breath of the night air.

To this day, she still didn't understand what Seungmins abilities were and how they worked. Is he simply able to sense danger or is he able to read minds of people he's made contact with?

Does he just always know what everyone around him is doing?


"Oh, hi Seungmin."


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