Chapter 2

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I slowly open my eyes, greeted by the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. But instead of feeling the warmth of a new day, a heavy sense of worry settles in my chest, weighing me down like a ton of bricks.

I lie there, unmoving, staring blankly at the ceiling as my mind fills with a whirlwind of anxious thoughts. Yesterday's events replay in my head, each moment tinged with regret and uncertainty. I can't seem to shake off the grip of worry that tightens around me, suffocating any sense of excitement or hope for the day ahead.

Wow.. even waking up in a morning feels like absolute shit, thankfully my work only starts tomorrow.. I had found out last night that it was Saturday lucky me I guess, gives me more time to think about this awful city and how I got here.

Which by the way I still have no explanation for!

Now that I think about it.. would I ever meet any of them..? That would be interesting, but also I'd probably fangirl over them.

I furrowed my brows as a slight blush tinted my cheeks at the thought of meet specific attractive men from the comics I used to read.

Oh how it would be wonderful to see them, but now that I think about it I would prefer being a fan from a far but now I'm too close, I just hope I don't accidentally say anything I'm not supposed to... if I ever meet them that is.

With a heavy sigh, I finally muster the strength to drag myself out of bed, the warmth of the covers clinging to me like a reluctant embrace. Every step feels like a struggle as I move through my morning routine, my movements slow and mechanical. The usual sounds of the world outside seem distant and muffled, as if I'm trapped in a bubble.

Leaving the bathroom after I had done, I went towards the kitchen "just what the hell am I gonna do?" I didn't want to be reckless in any way possible and I don't want to meet any type of villain be it some rookie robber or to joker level.

A matter of fact I don't even want to see one! But I'd most likely end up seeing one..

I didn't feel like cooking at all or making breakfast in general I just wanted to know about how I can get out of here and go back to my own world and just how exactly can I find someone to help me out.

I mean I'm pretty sure I can't just walk into the Justice league building and straight up tell them-

Wait that might just work actually I mean wonder woman could just use the lasso of truth on me! But then again.. how would I even get into the building..

I sighed, maybe just making a simple sandwich for breakfast wouldn't be so bad.

After eating my breakfast of literally just water and a sandwich, I decided to check more about this apartment, if I wasn't mistaken this apartment is still definitely bigger than my other one.

I walked around until I found one door, this definitely wasn't in my last apartment.. i proceeded to slowly open the door of the said room.

It was.. an office? It sure looked like one, it had the table the laptop and everything you'd find in a home office but it also had a white board, it seems like it had everything to do with my journalist work and even some stuff and pictures were on the board.

I focused first on the board, saw and read everything, not bad I guess the me here isn't so bad for a journalist..

I smirked still she doesn't exactly have the same amount of dirt as I do on these people, I almost chuckled at my thought.

I wouldn't for obvious reasons use my amount of knowledge about the DC universe for this job, I definitely don't want to get my shit rocked.

Plus that would be dumbest thing to ever do.

𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐜𝐲Where stories live. Discover now