Chapter 6

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After the event with Bruce Wayne he ended up driving me back to my work, which honestly I'm glad he did but also the drive there was quite awkward and very silent.

Although I think that might have been on my part who felt it that way because I'm pretty he was thinking on how I got here and he's probably gonna make me meet the Justice league at some point.. which I wouldn't mind..

But on the drive there he had also asked me multiple questions, mostly about my world and how different was it from this one.

I explained to him everything in detail as much as I can, I needed him to believe me more.. because I do think the lasso of truth will be used on me anyways.

Before I had left his car he let know his phone number in case of anything or more accurate way to say it is in case he needs to call me and get me back to my universe.

But also I like to think of it if I ever needed to be saved he's one call away.

Gosh he's so attractive.

As I stepped out of the sleek black car, I couldn't shake off the surreal feeling of being dropped off at work by none other than Bruce Wayne himself.

"Thanks, Mr. Wayne," I managed to say, my voice slightly shaky with disbelief.

Bruce Wayne, the billionaire playboy philanthropist and the masked vigilante known as Batman, gave me a curt nod before his steely gaze softened ever so slightly.

"You're welcome, Y/n," he replied, his voice low and gravelly. "Stay safe out there."

With that, he rolled up the tinted window and the car pulled away, leaving me standing in front of the imposing building that housed my workplace.

Dragging myself back to the newsroom after a whirlwind encounter with Bruce Wayne felt like returning from another dimension.

No pun intended.

The click-clack of my heels against the linoleum floor echoed through the emptying office as I made my way to my desk. The day had taken its toll, leaving me bone-weary and mentally drained.

Slumping into my chair, I powered up my computer, the screen flickering to life like a hesitant beacon in the dimming light of the evening. My fingers hovered over the keyboard, reluctant to begin the daunting task of encapsulating the enigma that was Bruce Wayne.

If I were crazier I would've made the craziest article ever.. I almost smiled at the thought, thinking about it again it wasn't the best thought more like a repeated one about the what ifs.

Does Gotham just instantly make people want to the worse version of them? If so I'd rather not become the worse version of me.

That day I ended up meeting up with my boss and letting him know about everything that has gone today with Bruce Wayne, although leaving out biggest part about it as that is something i wouldn't want him to know..

Needless to say he was impressed with me for the first time finally for once this dingbat is impressed, if I could I would find another job I thought.

Well seems like my job is done for the day.

As I finally stepped through the door of my apartment, a wave of exhaustion hit me like a ton of bricks. The events of the day replayed in my mind, each step I took echoing the long journey from my office to the sanctuary of my home.

My feet throbbed mercilessly, the punishment for spending the day teetering around in heels. With a sigh of relief, I kicked off my shoes, feeling the tension in my arches slowly begin to ease. The cool tiles beneath my feet provided a welcome respite from the unforgiving pavement of the city streets.

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