Chapter 10

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a million thoughts were running through her head on her walk towards her boss's office, sighing on her walk there she wasn't exactly sure what to expect understandably.

As Y/N briskly walks down the hallway towards Mr. Johnson's office, her mind races with anticipation. Her colleague's urgency had left little room for doubt; something important awaited her behind that door.

As she approaches the office, Y/N straightens her posture, smoothing out the invisible wrinkles of doubt that threaten to cloud her confidence. With a quick knock, she announces her presence and steps inside.

"Y/N, please, come in," Mr. Johnson says, gesturing for her to take a seat. His tone is serious, but there's a glint of something unreadable in his eyes.

Taking the offered seat, Y/N braces herself for whatever news awaits her. "You wanted to see me, sir?"

Mr. Johnson nods, folding his hands on the desk before him. "Yes, I did. Your colleague mentioned to me that you've been doing exceptional work lately. Your articles have been making waves."

A sense of relief washes over Y/N, mingled with pride. "Thank you, sir. I strive to deliver quality journalism." Ha as if, I'm just trying to survive.

"Indeed, and that's why I have a special assignment for you," Mr. Johnson says, his expression growing serious once more.

Oh I don't like the sound of that.. she thought nervously to herself "it's about the vigilantes operating in Gotham City besides Batman. I need you to investigate, uncover the truth behind these masked figures, and if possible, I want you to find a way to interview them, ask questions, and understand their motives."

Y/N's curiosity piques yet still interview them? Oh she could just answer all your questions right away! Although meeting her favorites is kind of risky.. "Interview vigilantes? That's a risky proposition, sir." There was a sound of nervousness in her voice.

Mr. Johnson leans forward, his voice dropping to a near-whisper. "I understand the risks, Y/N. But if anyone can handle it delicately, it's you. We need to shed light on these mysterious figures, their actions, and their impact on the city." Oh I'd rather be in the dark sir.

"But good thing for you, this assignment doesn't exactly have a deadline!" Well that's a first. "I know how hard it is to get in contact with any of them so take your time, but don't take too much I'd like it to be as soon as possible." He spoke urgently.

"Right sir.. I'll try my best!" She looked down with a worried face still holding a smile, her brows frowning not! How the hell am I gonna get in contact with them, it's not like I can call up Bruce! Plus I'm pretty sure he didn't even tell his sons..

Would it really be wrong if I used some of my comic knowledge..? Nah, this guy definitely will ask for some type of evidence..

She rises from her seat, as she exists the office she can't help but feel a sense of dread coursing through her veins.

Slightly slouching her back damn it! How the hell am I gonna do this.. thinking to herself as she went back towards the break room.

Y/N sat in her cozy living room, the soft glow of her laptop casting a warm light across her face. Her fingers danced across the keyboard as she delved into her research, her curiosity driving her deeper into the world of Gotham City's vigilantes.

With a determined expression, she typed in keywords related to the places she had learned about: Crime Alley, the Narrows, the Iceberg Lounge, Gotham Harbor, Ace Chemicals. Each search yielded a wealth of information, from news articles to forum discussions to urban legends.

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