Chapter 8

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It's been a couple of minutes since the said meeting had ended..

And now she's completely surrounded by a couple of hero's asking her questions and how'd well.. you know, exactly know everything about them.

"All I'm hearing is that I could've been ten times richer." Booster said, amusingly he would've if he had well just sue them and get the money.

But that wouldn't exactly work as he would probably end up being a rat lab experiment, considering in her universe somebody with powers would be a danger to all if not controlled.

Plus the fact that powers don't exist in the original dimension.

"So.. we really are just comic characters in your dimension?" Barry asked, it's not that he's asking because he doesn't know he's just asking because he's really just surprised.

"Can I be honest because this just makes so much sense." Ted shook his head in disbelief while his arms were crossed.

Almost like all their lives were just another lie, technically in a way.. it would be? But considering now that she is here she's not exactly sure anymore.

"Well yes you are, but now I'm not even sure you are anymore considering you're very real at this moment." She smiled nervously.

While this quite in a way silly conversation was happening there was another one near it which was more on the serious side.

"You know.. her being from supposedly the original dimension reminds me of specific people we fought back then." Diana spoke while looking at the group behind her, it reminded her of the other version of themselves.

One which they weren't as heroic as they are in this one "good thing is that she didn't end up in the wrong hands, who knows what could've happened." Bruce spoke up, he wasn't exactly exciting with the situation they're having and considering the fact she lives in the same city as his isn't great either.

It wouldn't be great in any city anyways.

Anything could happen, any criminals just hear a whiff of her being from another dimension could go in so many bad ways, and not only that but she isn't exactly the strongest person out there.

In a way she was all brains no brawn.

Which again isn't exactly the best thing considering Gotham is filled with criminals, he'll definitely end up keeping an eye on her for a long time.

"He's right, it's a good thing she came to us." Clark spoke up, there were many things to go on about and the most important one is how to get her back to her dimension.

And considering this is already a hard task, it'll be even harder with her being from the original one, not only that but the worry of anyone bad figuring out anything about this.

If they got their hands on her who knows what could exactly happen.

After a while of staying in the hall of justice for quite too long it was officially Y/N's time to leave, they've discussed all possibilities and what was really there left but to try them?

But that was for another time as the hero's were needed in other places.

After all she's not the only one who needs saving!

𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐜𝐲Where stories live. Discover now