Chapter 9

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It's been a couple of days since the last meeting in the Hall Of Justice, I'm not exactly sure how to feel about it although I did like the conversations that I had with specific people.

But anyways enough about them and more about my work! Well I already have Johnson all he needed for his little channel 6 news.

How come nobody told me how tiring journalism really is.. I thought to myself as I was getting ready for work, i pulled a out a light brown pencil skirt that reached above my knee and with a white button up and a blazer to match the said skirt.

I wore light colored tights underneath and grabbed my heels, I didn't wear them yet as there was still much time for me to eat breakfast before I could head down.

for once, I have time to eat breakfast.

I whip up a simple meal of scrambled eggs and toast, relishing the smell of coffee brewing in the background. Sitting down at the table, I take a moment to savor each bite, knowing that moments like these are rare in my hectic schedule.

And by hectic schedule I mean all of a sudden being teleported into a whole new world with both sane and insane people, I haven't really thought about Arkham asylum now that I think about it.

Is it wrong to wanna visit it out of curiosity..? Probably, maybe, yes but could you really blame me? Actually wait curiosity killed the cat, they were right when it was said Gotham is cursed to be evil forever.. at this point I wasn't sure what I was even thinking about.

Arriving at the imposing building that houses the news station, I push through the revolving doors and step into the bustling lobby. The air is alive with the hum of activity as reporters rush to and fro, each one eager to uncover the next big scoop.

I make my way to the elevator, nodding in greeting to familiar faces as I go. The doors slide open, and I step inside, pressing the button for the newsroom floor.

The doors open onto the newsroom, a hive of activity filled with the sound of ringing phones and clacking keyboards. I take a moment to soak it all in before making my way to my desk, situated in the heart of the action.

As I sat down and slowly started on my work a colleague of mine walked up to me, Nicole Hart.

I wouldn't say we're the closest of friends or best friends, we're in a way just colleagues or work friends you could say even.

I don't think I've really talked to her much outside of work but it's kind of nice to have a somewhat normality in this place, and I guess in a way she is my normality?

Nicole, with her sleek black hair reaching to her shoulders and piercing blue eyes, leans casually against my desk, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Hey there, Y/N," she says with a smirk, her voice carrying a hint of excitement. "Got a minute to spare for some juicy office gossip?"

I chuckle, setting aside my notes to give Nicole my full attention. "Always," I reply, eager for a distraction from the monotony of my tasks.

Nicole leans in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "So, have you heard about the latest stunt pulled by Jack and Sarah in accounting?"

My curiosity piqued, I shake my head, prompting Nicole to continue.

"Apparently, they thought it would be a brilliant idea to have a paper airplane competition in the break room," she says with a snicker. "But here's the kicker - they used important documents from the CEO's office as their paper!"

I can't help but burst into quiet laughter with a slight shock at the sheer audacity of their antics. "You're kidding, right?" I manage to choke out between giggles.

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