Chapter 7

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It's been a couple of days since I've last seen both Bruce Wayne and Jason Todd, started off with the best father and son bond to one sided deadly enemies to back again father and son.. just not as great as a bond as it used to be.

If I were to be honest, that day of when Jason saved me, I don't think I've ever felt the same.

Actually I haven't felt the same since the day I ended up here to be exact!

It's been nothing but hectic, from trying to get a simple nightwing shirt to trying to get Bruce's attention to literally almost getting stabbed!

This isn't normal!

Actually none of this is supposed to be normal anyways!

I need to get the hell out of here somehow..
which actually.. shouldn't have Bruce called me a long time ago anyways? Wouldn't he have told the Justice league or something?

But also remembering him and the whole 'secrets' thing he probably didn't even tell them yet.. or at all to be exact.

Sighing I get up from my couch "well considering it's the weekend and I'm just watching tv.. I might as well cook me something up." Although I preferred sitting down and doing nothing at all, my stomach was killing me from hunger.

I can't help but yearn for just a few more minutes of uninterrupted bliss, but the growling protest of my empty stomach is louder. With a resigned sigh, I make my way to the kitchen, determined to appease my hunger.

Entering the kitchen I went towards my fridge first, I thought of making something complex but at the same time I wanted done by a couple of minutes, I grabbed some eggs from the fridge and come toast from the pantry and started.

I crack the eggs into the sizzling pan, the familiar sound of cooking providing a comforting rhythm to my movements. With a few flips, the eggs are done, and I quickly pop some bread into the toaster. In no time, my simple meal is ready, and I carry it back to the living room, eager to satisfy both my hunger and my craving for relaxation.

And just as I sat down, had the perfect show on to eat and watch with.

Seconds away from getting a bite.. my phone rang.

"Who the hell is calling me at this hour?!" I cried out in annoyance, one minute I just needed one minute to forget about all the horrors that are in Gotham by eating.

I picked up my phone only to see the caller ID was Bruce well took him a long time to come back and call me..

I proceeded to answer the phone "hello?" It sounded more like a question, gosh why did I say it like that "Hello. I need you to get ready quickly. I've arranged for someone to pick you up. We're meeting at a specific location." Bruce spoke urgently.

"W-wait right now?" I stumbled my words, I knew how Bruce was, he liked to get things done fast and out of nowhere too.. "yes right now."

"Is it Alfred...?" I muttered to him, he sighed "I'll meet you there, he'll pick you up around thirty minutes from now I'll send you a message when he gets there." He told me.

After that we hung up the phone... or he hung up the phone..

a sense of urgency washes over me. Thirty minutes? That's hardly enough time to gather my wits, let alone get dressed! Panic sets in, and I sprint to my room, my mind racing faster than my feet.

Throwing open the door, I dive into my wardrobe, clothes flying in every direction as I search for something suitable. My heart pounds in my chest as I frantically sift through the chaos, each passing second a reminder of the ticking clock.

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