Breakfast (2)

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She deliberately slept in late so no one would disturb her in the morning. She walked around her room in circles trying to build up the courage to go to the great hall for breakfast. She was praying Lavender wouldn't be sat with Ron and Harry.

She held her breath and walked into the great hall, she wasn't there, she breathed. She walked over to them and sat by Harry's side, he gave her a pitiful look, she looked at Ron, he was still chewing on a jam sandwich, he looked as if he were about to speak. She looked at him and waited but behind him, her attention drifted over to the Slytherin table, Draco Malfoy was looking at her. 

She looked at him, he looked away. Maybe it was a coincidence. Ron finally finished chewing.

"so..." he picked up another sandwich, this time ham, "I don't like the way your treating Lavender, 'mione," 

Her attention was back on Ron, she almost got whiplash from turning her neck to face him again, "how I'm  treating her?" she repeated.

"mhmm," he picked up the sandwich,  took a bite. Her blood boiled.

"Ron," Harry spoke up, she felt thankful he was sticking up for her, she put her hand in front of him, signalling she could handle this, "I have done nothing to her," 

"Well... she claims," his mouth was full, she felt tears at the back of her eyes again.

She stood up, Draco looked at her again, "If your going to take her word against mine, fine, but just so you know, this is not how you treat a friend, Ronald," she walked away from the table, her cheeks hot, people were definitely staring.

Not really sure where to go next, she decided to walk to the girls toilets before lessons start to calm down.

She walked in and went over to the sink to splash her face, cool her down. The water felt cold and refreshing. She looked up at the mirror, her eyes still prickling with tears, she looked ghastly, her eyes were puffy from last night and her skin was pale. God, no wonder he chose Lavender. 

She soon realised she wasn't alone.  She was trying to tame her hair when she caught someone standing behind her in the mirrors reflection. Please say I'm seeing things.

Lavender Brown stood idly outside a cubicle, her gaze burning a hole in Hermione's back, standing with her was Parvati Patil. Lavender was smiling, Hermione turned around, "Has Ron spoken to you?"


Lavender smirked, she felt nauseous, "and do you understand?"

"understand what?"

"To stay away from him!" Lavender's tone suddenly sharpened, she yelled at her.

"He's not yours, you don't own him," Hermione said calmly, trying to stay reasonable.

'Yeah we'll see," She scoffed and shoved past her, walking out of the bathroom. Once they left she walked over to a wall and slid down it, she put her head in her arms and she cried again. She wasn't planning on attending any lessons today.

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