Truth (6)

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Hermione awoke bright and early the next day, she was planning on asking Ginny if she knew anything about the fight and Ginny, being on the Gryffindor team would have been up for quidditch practice so she needed to hurry.

She headed down to the great hall and spotted the redhead, she quickly went over and sat next to her, she placed her bag down on the bench. Ginny had been eating some cereal, luckily she was sat alone, "we need to speak," Hermione demanded.

"is this about the fight," Ginny groaned

"yes, no one's telling me anything,"

Ginny chewed another spoonful of cereal, "sorry to disappoint, I don't know anything,"

Hermione sighed, she opened up her bag in surrender but she wasn't going to give up yet, "Ginny, I can tell you know, please just tell me," but coincidentally at the very same time Lavender had walked past and overheard Hermione say that.

Lavender had woken up early this morning to visit Ron in the hospital wing before Hermione could. When she heard Hermione she stopped in her tracks, "you wanna know?"

Hermione turned around, "yes,"

She was shocked Lavender was willing to tell her and not sure if she was trustworthy but it was a good start. Lavender had sat next to her and began to speak, "I met up with Ron and Harry in the library to help him study, we ended up resuming our disagreement about if you should be able to stay over at the burrow, and I suggested I take your place," Lavender had a grin on her face and Hermione started to wonder if any of this was true or if Lavender was just trying to annoy her again, "unfortunately, for whatever reason he still wanted you to come, so I reminded him of the fact he isn't supposed to be seeing you anymore, I was suspicious of him so I asked him if he loves you more than me, of course he said he loves me more and said he couldn't care less about you,"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "lavender this better not be a waste of my time,"

"let me finish, what I hadn't noticed, was that Draco Malfoy had been stood behind us the entire time, apparently looking for a book, after Ron said he couldn't care less about you, Draco said something under his nose,"

"Draco said something?" Of course she knew Draco wasn't a fan of how Ron was treating her but she would have never guessed he would ever say something.

"mhmm, anyway, I didn't hear what he said at first so I turned around and asked him to repeat himself, when I turned around I almost jumped, he looked so angry and he said something but I cant really remember what but it was probably irrelevant anyway, I then said something along the lines of, 'if you care that much, then you go date her,' and oh my god you know what he said,"


"I will never forget this, he said, 'why would I want to date that filthy mudblood,'" Lavender laughed, "I mean," she looked her up and down, "was he wrong?"

Hermione felt her cheeks turning red, how could she have been so stupid to believe Draco could actually like her?

"Well, anyway, Ron and Harry ended up sticking up for you, they both stood up and Ron told him to not call you that but he got so angry, I was so frightened, it looked like he had steam coming out of his ears, and then I think he said something like, 'I can say whatever I want, and you're in no place to judge after how you've treated her' Im not really sure what he meant by that to be honest, I don't think Ron did anything wrong, you're clearly the issue."

Hermione was so confused, Draco from Lavenders perspective was acting very bipolar. She kept quiet and waited for the rest of the story.

"Ron then said 'you don't know anything' but... I remembered overhearing mcgonnigal speaking with snape about you," she pointed a finger at her, "and him, sneaking around in the astronomy tower after curfew, and that made me wonder"

"We were studying," Hermione protested.

"Sure you were, anyways I bring up what I've heard and Ron says, 'has she gone crying to you Malfoy,'  and then all of a sudden Draco goes very red and in the blink of an eye he takes the book he was holding and slams it into my babies face! God it was horrible. Luckily, Harry was very quick to react and punched Draco in the face before Draco could do any more damage,"

"That's why he had the black eye," she mumbled to herself.

Lavender smirks and looks as if she was about to say something witty before her face drops and she starts rummaging through Hermione's bag, "what are you doing?"

Lavender gasps, "I knew it," she pulls out book with a pink cover from Hermione's bag, it was her copy of Emma by Jane Austen.

Hermione is confused, she stares at her blankly, "what?"

"Oh don't act stupid Hermione, this," she holds the book up high, "is the book Draco was holding when he attacked Ron!"

If Hermione was confused before she was completely clueless now, why had Draco had the same book as her, even more, it was by a muggle author which would have made no sense, "are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure!"

"But why would he have that?"

"That's what I'm asking you Hermione, knowing you, you made Draco attack him!"

"Oh don't be stupid! If something I would have made him attack you and not Ron,"

Lavender scoffed and placed the book back on the table, "you want to know what I think? I think there's something going on between you and Draco, and when I find out, and I will find out, you'll regret ever trying to steal Ron away from me!" And with that lavender left the great hall.

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