Shower thoughts (14)

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"You wanna talk about it?" Harry brushed her hair out of her face, uncovering her neck and exposing a particularly red mark on her neck, but she just shook her head no, too tired to speak, "I think I'm going to go to bed," she murmured. She got off the couch and walked into her dorm, Harry had been left stunned, his suspicions confirmed.

Thankfully, her dorm had been empty. She slowly walked into her bathroom, undressed, and stepped into her shower. The warm water flowing onto her face caused a mixture of emotions to reemerge. The tears from earlier had came back up and she sobbed, how could he do that to her, after all the nasty things he'd said about her over the years, nothing compared to what he did now.

She felt ashamed.

Ashamed of letting herself be vulnerable in front of him. Ashamed for even thinking there was something between them, because why would there be? He hated her and she hated him, it had always been that way, but maybe... deep down, had there been another feeling other than hate in her heart when it came to Draco Malfoy?

She thought about all those times she absentmindedly defended him.


"Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a death eater," she explained to Ron on the train back to Hogwarts after witnessing Draco and his mother acting suspicious in Diagon Alley.

"Hermione saw it with her own eyes!" Harry argued.

"I told you," she said sternly, "I don't know what I saw,"


Then again later.


"I think Malfoy is leaving the castle," Harry had worriedly consulted her, "sometimes he just... disappears off the map,"

But she knew it couldn't be true, Draco couldn't possibly be a death eater, "no one can leave the castle these days. The maps wrong."


She remembered the times in the Gryffindor girls dorm room when Draco Malfoy had been mentioned and her heart skipped a beat.


"What about Draco Malfoy?" Parvati squealed.

"Him? seriously?" Ginny cringed.

"Come on, I know he's horrible but it just makes me want him more, hes so like...bad," The Patil sister laughed.

The dorm room filled with giggles.

"You do you, but I don't see it," Ginny replied.

"Oh shut up Ginny, just because you have twelve boys swooning over you already,"Parvati playfully nudged her and rolled her eyes.

"I do not have twe- oh whatever, Hermione you agree with me don't you?"

Hermione choked on her pumpkin juice, "Hm, oh yeah no I agree with you Gins'" she tried to hide the blush from her face but Padma had noticed and already started whispering to Parvati who started laughing, causing Hermione to go even more red.


She sat on her shower floor and she cried, at least no one was going to hear her. What was wrong with her? Why did she feel this way towards him. Blaise had been right, she really was pathetic.

She got out of the shower, immediately feeling more refreshed and clean, no longer crusty, and went straight to her bed. She decided to take a nap to stop thinking but even whilst unconscious, she still thought of Draco Malfoy.

She had been soundly snoring into her pillow when she heard a familiar voice, "Hermione," it called out to her. Was it Draco? "Hermione," and there it was again, it was like a siren calling her. "Hermione, wake up!"

She opened her eyes and a redhead stood over her, "We won Hermione! We won!" Ginny beamed.

"You... won?" Hermione rubbed her eyes, "Won what?"

"The quidditch match! Oh Merlin it was crazy, basically Jason Samuels, the Ravenclaw beater, he hit a bludger and it was going directly for my face but Jimmy Peakes, our beater, blocked it at the last second and then I took the quaffle and nearly got knocked off my broom again, but then I scored! and it was crazy," Ginny said in one breath. "But basically... We won!" Ginny hugged her.

"Oh my, well done Ginny! I'm so sorry I missed it, I completely forgot," she hugged her back.

"It's fine really, but..." she tilted her head, "You could make it up to me and come to the afterparty?" She smiled mischievously at her.

"They're not really planning another party second night in a row are they?" She put on her telling off voice, "That is incredibly irresponsible."

"Speaking of irresponsible 'mione... what's that on your neck?" she moved her hair away. Hermione quickly jumped up, "what?" she picked up a mirror off her bedside table and looked at where Ginny was pointing, "no... no its not... no, Ginny I can explain,"

"I sure hope you can Hermione, tell me everything! Who was it? It was Seamus was it? I saw you with him before,"

"No, it wasn't Seamus," she muttered.

"Who then?" Ginny insisted.

"I don't want to say," she hid her neck with the palm off her hand.

"Fine, but I'll be looking out at the party," she winked.

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