Apples (11)

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It was 9am when Hermione had woken up, her head was banging and the room was bright and hard to look at. She rubbed her eyes and when she saw an icy blonde laying next to her she thought she must still be asleep.

"Draco?" she said worriedly, he groaned in response, still asleep. "Draco this isn't funny, wake up,"

"What," he said whilst yawning.

"What the hell happened?"

"You got absolutely pissed and Cormac was being sketchy so I took you to bed," he said casually as he sat up.

"You took me to bed," she asked with widened eyes.

"Calm down Granger," he laughed, "we only kissed,"

"Oh my God! We kissed! I thought that was a dream,"

"Dream about me often do you?" He smirked. She ran her hands through her hair trying to think but her headache was making it increasingly difficult.

"My head hurts," she groaned. He looked at the clock above his door and laid back down, he yawned again, "you may as well go back to sleep."

She gingerly laid back down, she didn't think she'd be able to sleep with him next to her. When she looked over at him his eyes were closed, she tried sleeping but what she remembered from last night wouldn't leave her head, there were so many questions she needed to ask. She accidentally let out a loud sigh that caused Draco to open his eyes, "stop overthinking it, and go to sleep,"

She closed her eyes and after battling through her thoughts she finally fell asleep.

When she woke up again, Draco wasn't there. Her head was feeling a little better yet it still hurt when she moved her head too fast. She looked around his room and her attention got caught on his bedside table, 'Emma' by Jane Austen. Lavender was right.

Confused, she laid back down, again, and covered her head with his pillow. Why was everything such a mess right now?

The door had opened and Hermione sat up to see who it was. Thankfully it was Draco.

"Ah you're up, I've brought you breakfast,"

"Why are you reading 'Emma'"

He smirked, "curiosity killed the cat you know," Draco handed her a piece of toast and a green apple, "I mistook it for a different book, decided to read it anyway,"

"Sure," she bit into the apple. The scent transported her back to the amortentia. "Where did you go?" She asked him.

"To get you food, apples usually help when I'm hungover,"

"Thanks," Hermione muttered, "I thought breakfast was over already,"

"Such a fucking know it all, I happen to know a certain house elf in the kitchens,"

"Dobby?" She took another bite.

"How'd you know?" He winced.

"He talks about you,"

Draco smiled.
"You seem very calm about still being in my dorm, I thought you'd be freaking out by now,"

"I don't think it's hit me yet,"

"You look gross Granger," he smirked.

She scoffed. At least she knew it was still Draco and it wasn't just Cormac using a poly juice potion.

She got up off the bed and went over to his mirror trying to sort her hair out or something, he didn't take his eyes off her, "who were you trying to impress in that dress anyway,"

She looked over her shoulder and laughed.

"That doesn't answer my question,"

She just shrugged and went back to taming her hair.

How the hell was she going to back to her own dorm without anyone noticing? Maybe the common room was empty last night but it was highly unlikely it would be empty now.

Draco was now sat on an armchair, still watching her, when someone knocked on the door, "Draco? Let me in!" A worried but muffled voice spoke from the other side of the door.

Hermione whipped her head around to look at him, her eyes were wide like a deer in headlights. Draco muttered something under his nose and pointed at a door, gesturing for her to hide.

She quickly went through the door which turned out to be a bathroom and locked it, hitting herself with a Deja vu moment from last night. She stood close by the door trying to listen in to what was happening on the other side.

Meanwhile, Draco reluctantly went to open the door, he looked back to make sure Hermione was hidden before unlocking it and almost immediately, Blaise Zabini had burst into his dorm, "for fucks sake man, been trying to find you everywhere,"

"And you didn't try my dorm first," he rolled his eyes and sat on his bed.

"Whatever, this is important! Listen! You know how I told you about 'star' right-"

"Can we stop with the stupid code names already," Draco groaned.

"Fine," Blaise rolled his eyes, "anyway, as I was saying, at the party yesterday I saw her kissing Neville and I mean! She could do so much better than HIM"

"Yes, yes we've been through this already, she should snog you not Neville,"

"Malfoy! Would you stop mocking me and listen?"
Draco nodded, "So they finish eating each others faces and then what?"

Blaise pulled a face but then went back to his composure, "I Pansy goes and punches him,"

"What," Draco stood up.

"I KNOW, that girl has some serious balls I tell you, but it gets even better," Blaise was very much resembling a teenage girl at the minute he was so giddy, if he were laying down he'd probably be kicking his feet, "after Neville gets punched, Luna obviously tries to help him but thank Merlin the Weaselette offers to take him to Pomfrey because this is where I swoop in and keep Luna company,"

"Did anything happen?" Draco asked.

"No, no, we just talked but I think I'm in there," Blaise shook his head.

"Proud of you man," he pat him on the back.

Blaise smiled smugly, "what were you up to last night, you just kinda disappeared," but as he said this he noticed a pair of heels by the side of Dracos bed, "oh, nice one," he laughed, "wait is she still here?!"

"Hid her in the bathroom," Draco said calmly which made Hermione hold her breath, was he really fine with Blaise knowing?

"Who is it?" Blaise asked excitedly.

"I'm only telling you because I need help sneaking her out,"

"And because I'm your best mate but sure,"

Draco walked over to the bathroom door and opened it slightly, "you wanna come out?" He asked her.

"Will he tell anyone?" She asked back.

"No, I won't let that happen,"

She walked closer to the door and pushed it further open she took one step out of the bathroom and Blaise's jaw fell open.

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