Misconceptions (12)

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"You've fucked Granger?!" Blaise gasped after what felt like hours.

"I didn't fuck Granger," Malfoy had crossed his arms across his chest, seeming too calm for Hermione's liking. If this rumour spread, it would be over for her.

"What the hell is she doing in your dorm then! Jesus Christ man! I know we've made some jokes but I didn't think they had any truth to them,"

"Jokes?" She asked but no one answered her.

"Blaise shut up and listen to me," Draco bargained but Blaise was on a rampage and it didn't look like he was about to stop any time soon.

"You know how fucking irresponsible you are right now?! What will your mother say? Oh my god, I can't believe you right now! With everything going on too? Merlin's sake it was just a joke, where the hell is Theo, I need to find Theo,"

Draco grabbed Blaise by the arm before he could reach the door, "Zabini, fucking listen to me before I lose my temper, there is nothing between me and Granger, she was drunk and vulnerable so I let her stay here,"

"Oh yeah? You think I'm dumb Malfoy! Since when are you fucking Mother Teresa helping out all these vulnerable mud-bloods? Bullshit. I know what you two did,"  Blaise protested.

In Blaise's defence it was pretty reasonable for him to think that. Draco was the last person Hermione would have thought to help her and his hatred for her these past few years wasn't giving him a great alibi.

She decided to speak up herself, "Blaise, I promise we didn't do anything," she said as gently and convincingly as possible.

"Don't get me started on you! You pathetic filthy mudblood! How could you sleep with a guy who's treated you like nothing but dirt for years? You both disgust me,"

Hermione took a step back, Draco stepped in front of her, "Blaise calm down and think about it, do you really think I'd go after her,"

Blaise went quiet for a minute, she watched his breathing slow down, "Honestly mate? Yeah... yeah I think you would."

Hermione's heartbeat froze, was she not delusional after all? Have all the little signs and gestures she thought she was overthinking meant something after all? Her headache had started to reform again and the tension in the room made it feel hotter, she was feeling faint and it didn't seem like she'd be getting back to her dorm.

"Blaise..." Draco said sternly, probably still registering what he had said.

"No, I know you Malfoy, deny all you want but deep down you know I'm right,"

"Would you shut the fuck up!" Draco suddenly shouted.

Hermiones insides had began to stir, all this new information had started to overwhelm her and she was finding it difficult to remain calm. "Draco," she muttered, her legs wobbled underneath her.

"What!" he turned around aggressively but when he saw the look on her face his expression softened.

"I think I'm gonna-" but before she managed to finish her sentence her body gave out on her and she fainted.

When she regained consciousness again the room was quiet and no one was yelling anymore, she felt a cool breeze on her face and when she opened her eyes she discovered it was Blaise fanning her with a piece of parchment. Draco was sat on the other side of her, "That's one way to end an argument Granger," he smirked.

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