Closets (17)

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Harry and Hermione had returned to the party and it seemed that the atmosphere had calmed down as many people were now sat in couches and chatting with each other. It shocked Hermione how well the houses were getting on with each other (except Ravenclaw who was still sulking its loss). 

They absentmindedly made their way to Seamus and Dean who were coincidentally next to the Slytherin group. Hermione couldn't help but notice how close he was being with Pansy Parkinson but she grit her teeth and tried to distract herself.

Dean was in the middle of mocking Seamus when Luna came up to them which reminded her of her promise to Blaise, she quickly went over to her and took her to a place where no one could listen in, "Hey listen Luna, I overheard Blaise talking about you actually,"

"Oh, don't worry about it Hermione, I'm used to the nicknames by now, I actually think they're quite creative,"

"No! no, he was complimenting you, I think he might like you," she quickly reassured in a soft tone.

"Oh!" Luna looked a bit startled for a minute, "well I guess thats never a bad thing, I hope the Slytherin common room being infested with Nargles is just a rumour then," 

Luna had walked back over to Seamus, Dean and Harry, leaving Hermione to wonder what the hell Nargles are. 

When Hermione walked back over to them she saw Luna smiling at Blaise and him awkwardly waving back at her. 

The Slytherins were having a heated discussion that the Gryffindors couldn't not overhear which inevitably caused them to join into the conversation.

"I've decided to have a hot girl summer this year so lock your husbands and your wives because I go both ways," Pansy smirked proudly, whilst the other Slytherins  cringed.

"I'd keep my door unlocked for you, Parkinson," Seamus grinned whilst walking up to the group, causing everyone to look up at them.

"ew, never mind then," Pansy pulled a face and both the groups laughed whilst Seamus went very red. 

"Pansy how you manage to pull is beyond me," 

"erm excuse me but whats that supposed to mean Theo?" Pansy angrily put her hands on her hips, asserting dominance. 

"You say the dumbest shit ever," he argued, looking a bit intimidated.

"but I'm pretty so they eat it up," she shrugged, "unless your trying to tell me I'm not pretty," Theo started shaking his head vigorously, causing the group to laugh again.

Pansy had been sat on a couch sideways with Draco next to her, her feet on his lap, her shoes on the floor. Their proximity was causing Hermione's eye to twitch but she couldn't say anything could she? Blaise was sat on a couch opposite them and Luna had went over to sit next to him which caused him to blush. Theo was sat on an armchair and Seamus, Dean and Harry went to squeeze themselves onto a third couch causing Hermione to sit on the armchair next to Theo. Soon after Ginny had joined, and sat on the arm of Hermione's chair. 

The groups had been weirdly calm with each other, maybe it was the alcohol but this was the first time in 6 years where the two houses were able to communicate with each other without causing a scene. Hermione wondered how long it would really last.

"Ginny," Pansy looked over, "What's that on your shoulder?"

Ginny looked at her shoulder then back at Pansy, "Oh it's Arnold, he's a pygmy puff!" 

Pansy slowly nodded, trying to comprehend, "Is it like... a pet?"

"Yeah my brothers breed and sell them," 

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