Notes (9)

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Hermione walked Lavender to her next lesson before going to her own, she herself had Arithmancy which she usually enjoyed but the thought that Lavender now knew wouldn't leave her head. 

After lesson she had met up with Harry and walked with him to the gardens for their break, as they got outside and started talking about Ginny Weasley again (who harry was clearly in love with), Draco aggressively barged past Hermione, muttering something under his nose. 

Harry had caught her, "whats his issue?" he asked whilst still holding on to her to help her find her balance again "maybe he's in a rush," she said hesitantly, her gaze wondered after him.

The next lesson she had with Draco she couldn't help but notice how he was desperately trying to avoid eye contact with her, they never spoke during lessons but he seemed almost distant. She would never admit it but it kind of hurt.

She decided that she would try the astronomy tower after lessons, she wasn't sure why she was so desperate for his attention, maybe it was Lavenders new knowledge getting to her head.

She was sat in the astronomy tower, just thinking, for about an hour and she was tired of waiting, clearly if he didn't even acknowledge her in lessons then why would he speak to her now? She left the tower annoyed and headed over to the common room.

Inside, she spotted Ron and Lavender giggling on a couch and Harry sitting on an armchair opposite them. She went over and sat on another armchair across Harry and sighed.

"Where've you been Hermione," Harry asked, not looking up from the book he was reading.

"astronomy tower,"

Lavenders attention was now caught and she immediately stopped giggling, "Alone?"

"Yes, alone," She replied sternly, she knew what she was thinking. Lavender turned back to Ron and Harry gave her a inquisitive look, Hermione slouched on the chair and put her head in her hands, "whats bothering you," Harry asked, this time closing his book and putting it on his lap.

"nothing, just tired" she lied and he dropped it.

Hermione actually ended up briefly falling asleep on the armchair before harry woke her up, "I'm going back to my dorm, I didn't want to leave you on your own,"

"what time is it," she asked whilst rubbing her eyes. It turned out that her detention was in 10 minutes. 

She quickly walked through the long corridors until she reached the dungeon, one minute before time, she opened the door and walked in. Draco was already sat at a desk writing, he looked at her then carried on writing, at least he hadn't gotten into another fight.

She awkwardly sat at a desk and Snape told her to write lines again. About half an hour into the uneventful detention, a worried Minerva crashed through the doors asking Snape for a word, he quickly obliged and left the classroom with her.

It was silent and Hermione carried on writing lines, 'I shall not leave the dorm past curfew' when suddenly a scrunched up piece of paper landed on her desk, she turned around and Draco had continued to write his lines but he had a small smirk creeping up on his face. She turned back around and unraveled the paper, it read:

Are you coming to the party Granger?

She was confused as no one informed her of any party, she wrote back

What party Malfoy?

She passed the note back to him and tapped her pen on her desk whilst impatiently waiting, he passed the note back.

The one in the room of requirements, wouldn't be surprised if you haven't been invited

She chewed on her pen thinking of how to reply


She passed it back, he wrote quickly.

Tomorrow, you should come

Before she had a chance to write back, Snape had came back in, she looked at Draco from the corner of her eye and he was slightly smiling but not paying her any attention, why did he want her to go? And why was he being so bipolar?

At the end of the detention they ended up walking out together and before they split off, Draco muttered, "think about it Granger," and walked off. 

She did think about it. A lot. She fell asleep thinking about it.

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