Harry (16)

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She was still sat breathless on the desk, he smirked when he saw what he was capable of doing to her, he picked up her thong of the floor, "never knew you were the kinda girl to wear this," he slid her legs through the holes, dressing her. He then made her stand up and he straightened out her dress, she was speechless.

He guided her to the door and whispered, "be cool," into her ear. He was stood behind her with his hand on the back of her neck, she turned her head slightly, "but I don't know how yet," He smirked in reply and opened the door, letting go off her before stepping out. 

 Draco had patted her on the back before going over to Blaise who was eyeing her suspiciously. Hermione looked around the room, trying to spot anyone she knew. Still a bit lightheaded and confused she managed to find Harry somewhere in the crowd. 

She made her way over to him but to her disappointment he was stood next to Ron and Lavender who were deeply entwined with each other. "Cant they ever get a room?" she groaned.  Harry began to open to his mouth to speak when suddenly Ron and Lavender had separated and Ron had turned very red, "Well you know, you're one to speak!" Ron spat.

Hermione flushed to a very pink colour, her first thought being that he had somehow found out about her and Draco but then she remembered what had happened before, "I see you and Cormac have gotten very close indeed," 

"That is none of your business Ron," Hermione muttered.

"And what was that fight about Hermione?" Lavender added, "I've never seen Draco so angry,"

Lavender had a very evil smirk on her face and what made this whole situation even worse was that Lavender knew how she felt about Draco, meaning she could expose her at any given moment. 

She began to stutter trying to think of an excuse but Harry had thankfully stepped in, "Malfoy's always picking fights."

She gave him a look that said thank you and he nodded but this wasn't sufficient for Ron and Lavender, "Yeah whatever, wouldn't be surprised if she was swapping spit with the enemy too," Ron glared at her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" her voice shrieked.

"Krum! His father was a death eater wasn't he? you seem to have a type," 

"Draco Malfoy isn't a death eater," she simply stated.

"But you are swapping spit with him then?" Hermione felt herself going very red again, no matter what she said it would be turned against her. 

"Of course she isn't," Harry said, "don't be ridiculous,"

Ron gave her and Harry a dirty look and led Lavender away from them. It seemed to her that Ron wasn't going to be speaking to her for a while. Harry had turned to her and asked, "can we have a word?" she swallowed her spit and nodded. 

Harry had taken her outside of the common room, they walked through a dimly lit hallway and when they walked up to a very familiar entrance, she figured he may be taking her to the astronomy tower. "Harry?" she asked as he leaned against the wall on the third step up.

"You and Draco Malfoy." He simply said, not looking at her.

Her heart rate increased an incredible amount, not knowing what to say, she stared at the back of his head.

Harry sighed, "I didn't believe it at first," He slowly turned around and sat down on one of the steps, she warily sat down next to him, "Harry... how did you... know?" she asked quietly. 

"He kept staring at us, well now I know it was at you, but at first I thought he was planning something like he always is, and then I saw you staring back one day, and I thought nothing of it," 

"Then you stop speaking to Ron and stop coming to the common room and when I finally speak to you I find out you have a detention, and then I find out it's with him, and I think maybe its a coincidence... but at the back of my head, there was always that possibility that it's not." 

Hermione stared at him as he explained, not able to utter a word. 

"The things Lavender was saying made me think too, I didn't want to believe her, didn't think I could, but then I started to see the signs,"

"I saw him with you at the party yesterday before you disappeared and when you came back in the morning, in the same clothes, I started to wonder, but then I saw the mark on your neck and I knew."

She couldn't tell what he was thinking, he had a painfully straight face and her breathing had still not slowed down. 

"Harry... I'm so sorry," she gasped out. 

"I thought about it," he breathed, "and... if he makes you happy, I guess... I could tolerate it, but think it through Hermione, if he's only using you to manipulate you or use you then-" 

He was interrupted when Hermione leaned over and hugged him, "you don't even understand how grateful I am for you Harry," she said into his shoulder.

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