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authors note: this chapter might be a tad boring but the next one is gonna be insanely good trust.

As Lavender exited the Great Hall, Hermione had only just realised that Ginny had left, probably a while ago too. More and more people had started to appear on the tables next her and she decided she may as well eat some breakfast. She took a piece of jam toast and ate it slowly, still processing the new information. Why had Draco stood up for her and then insulted her right after? Why did he have that book? Was Lavender even saying the truth?

As she took her last bite, Harry came and sat next to her, she gave him a weak smile but she couldn't relax her eyebrows which made her look worried, from her expression, Harry knew she knew. 

He took a deep sigh, "I'm sorry for lying,"

"sorry for pressuring you,"

He smiled at her and poured some tea into his cup.

"thanks for standing up for me," she whispered.

"always," he whispered back. The tension had seemed to clear now and Hermione's thoughts were put at ease for the time being. They spoke about Ron and how he was feeling, Harry thought he was overreacting and that there wasn't really a need to go to the hospital wing, Hermione agreed. They begin speaking of weekend plans when a familiar icy blonde walked into the Hall, Hermione looked at him for a minute too long and Harry's suspicions grew, surely what Lavender said wasn't true, "Erm... 'mione," 

She snaps out of her trance and looks at him blankly. 

"Yesterday... Lavender said something about you and Draco and I-"

"Harry I dont know what's she said but we happened to be in one room studying together and thats it I swear," she snaps at him.

"right, well thats good, you know how I feel about him," He glares at him from across the table. Hermione just nods, not really sure how to feel. 

They spoke some more and Hermione tried her hardest to not look over at Draco, his bruise had developed and now looked sore, she wondered what his side of the story would sound like but she didn't think he'd tell her. 

Harry had noticed that Hermione had been out of it and zoning out constantly but decided not to bring anything up just yet to not upset her. Harry had also noticed Draco looking over at them constantly for the past month or so. At first he was sure it was because he was planning something or keeping an eye out for his death eater father, but recently, Harry had started doubting if there wasn't another reason behind it. 

They finished their breakfast and started off heading off to their first lesson, transfiguration, it would be a calm lesson since it was with Hufflepuff so they kept a regular pace. 

The lesson itself seemed to fly past, without Ron's and lavenders constant bickering and flirting, Mcgonnigal was actually able to teach. What caught Hermione off guard however was how Lavender was keeping a close eye on her. It was as if she was watching her every move. 

After an uneventful yet slightly uncomfortable lesson had ended, Hermione and Harry made their way over to the dungeons with the rest of the Gryffindors for their potions lesson. Hermione braced herself as they shared it with the Slytherins.

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