Apparating (13)

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"So what's the plan again?" She asked whilst sipping on a glass of cold water that Draco had brought her.

"Blaise is going to go down to the kitchens and call for Dobby, Blaise you'll know who he is when you see him, you're going to tell him that I need him and I'm in my dorm," Draco explained.

"What's in this for me?" Blaise interrupted.

"What." Draco said sternly through clenched teeth.

"I'll put in a good word in for you with Luna,"Hermione quickly spit out, making it hard for him to understand her.

"You...will?" He asked cautiously.

"Harry's quite close with her, I think she'd listen to me," she said more calmly

Blaise thought for a while and then replied, "Fine. I'll do it." 

10 minutes had passed since Blaise had left for the kitchens and an uncomftorable silence filled the room between Draco and Hermione. The words Blaise said were lingering in the air. Draco had been sat on an armchair, staring at his dorm door really intensively, Hermione was still sat on his bed with her legs drawn up to her chest and her head leaning against her knees. 

She felt gross. Her makeup had been smudged and it felt crusty after not been taken off since last night, her hair had probably started to frizz and curl again and her dress felt tight and confined. She was deeply craving to go back to sleep. 

Her train of thought was lost when Draco spoke, "I'm sorry," 

"what?" she was caught of guard, never in a million years she would have thought she'd hear Draco say those words.

"nothing..." he paused, "doesn't matter," He got up from the chair and started messing with something on his dresser. She got up from the bed and walked over to him causing him to turn around and face her. The way his eyes gently glimmered as he looked at her caused an uncontrollable impulse to wash over her and she pulled him in by the neck and placed her lips on his.

Before he could get the chance to kiss her back she pulled away and gasped realising what she had done but to her suprise he grabbed her by the waist and brought her closer to him before kissing her again, this time more aggressively than at the party. She parted her lips for him and without hesitation he slid his tongue in, exploring her mouth like a cave. 

Her hands reached into his hair and his had started to trail down and tug on the hem of her dress. She leaned her head back when he started sucking on her neck again. His movements were mesmerising and the way his lips glided over her skin was giving her goosebumps. She bit down on her lip when he playfully pushed the strap of her dress off her shoulder and traced her collarbone with his tongue. She pushed herself further into him, craving his touch but that had set off an alarm in Dracos head and his eyes widened in shock. He harshly pushed her off him, causing her to fall back onto his bed, "Fuck! What the hell are we doing Granger!" He covered his face with his hands and started pacing around his room. She stared at him, dumbfounded. Her heart was still racing and her adrenaline levels were rising, "you cant keep doing this Draco," she snapped. He paused in his tracks and violently turned back to face her again, 'What." he snarled. She scoffed in disbelief, "you cant keep fucking with me like this! I'm not a toy Malfoy!" She took a pillow from his bed and with all her power she threw it at him. He caught it and laughed mockingly which made her stomach do a backflip. "You actually think I like you Granger?" Her heart dropped, "You dumb fucking slut, I thought you were supposed to be the smartest witch of our year," Her throat was starting to close up, making it hard to breath and she felt tears forming but she wasn't about to cry in front of him again. 

"I thought-" she whimpered

"You thought what?" he interrupted,  "That I could love you like Weasley couldn't? That I would forget about your filthy blood trait? Your loyalty to Saint Potter?" 

"Why would you kiss me?" her vision was getting blurry and her voice was weak, she never felt this embarrassed.

"Moment of weakness," he shrugged nonchalantly.

"Fuck you Malfoy!" Her voice broke, blowing her cover. For a minute she thought he'd take it all back, say he was just playing with her, but he just stared at her and said nothing. He was just a man.

She was staring back at him with tears in her eyes when Blaise knocked on the door and Draco swiftly got up as if nothing happened and opened it. The house elf gingerly came into the dorm, anxiously fidgeting with its hands, "I came as soon as I heard Mr Malfoy, Dobby was very worried, Dobby wants to help Mr Malfoy with whatever it is,"

"Erm yeah," he scratched his head, "Dobby can you apparate Granger back to the Gryffindor tower by any chance?" 

"Miss Granger?" he looked around and when he saw her his face lit up, "Oh my Miss Granger!" he went over and shook her hand, "Of course, of course!" 

"I thought you cant apparate in Hogwarts," Blaise said.

"House elf's can," Hermione muttered, "says so in Hogwarts A History," 

Blaise just nodded. 

Dobby took Hermione's hand and led her to the middle of the room, "Now hold on tight Miss Granger okay?" she nodded and suddenly a strange sensation filled her body, as if her organs were being stretched and rearranged at a very fast rate, she opened her eyes and she knew she was back in the Gryffindor common room, "Thank you Dobby," she said and the elf bowed down and headed back to the kitchens.

Harry had been slouched on a couch in the common and when he saw her appear he sat up, "rough night?" he smirked.

"You wouldn't believe," she went over and sat next to him and rested her head on his shoulder, slowly falling asleep. 

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