seen (3)

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After she finished crying she went back to her dorm, she decided to sleep through the day, no one came to check up on her. She knew no one would but there was a small hope that a kind stranger would suprise her. After lessons had finished she planned to go back up the astronomy tower where hopefully she'd be alone. Of course there was the risk of finding Malfoy up there but after crying in front of him she didn't think anything worse could happen. 

At 2:50pm she woke up, took her books and headed to the tower, no astronomy lessons were happening at the minute so she was safe. She had 10 minutes until the corridors would erupt with students.  She walked fast.

She climbed up the stairs and she wondered if in time the climb would become any easier, surely there had to be some magic to help her along, she'd look it up later. 

She opened the door and the top floor was empty, thank you, She took a desk by a telescope that overlooked the Lake, took out her books, her quills and her homework and she began reading.

Everything was going well, her watch read 5:43 when the door opened. 

"Thought I'd see you here Granger," she couldn't help but stare at him, he walked over to a different desk and sat down, not once looking over at her, "don't speak to me and I'll let you stay" 

She muttered a 'thank you' and continued reading. Hours passed and they hadn't spoken a single word. Draco, from where Hermione was sitting, looked like he was doing potions homework. She couldn't help but find it strange, why did he spend his afternoons here? Surely he'd rather spend it in the common room with Crabbe and Goyle.

"quit staring Granger,"

"sorry, how did y-"

"you're not very subtle," he interrupted.

"well you're one to speak," she muttered under her nose, ever so quietly so he wouldn't hear.

"what was that?" he turned around to look at her.

"nothing," she shrugged, he turned around, they carried on reading.

He was stuck on her mind, why was he tolerating her, he hated her, despised even. Maybe he understood, "why are you here Draco?"  she even surprised herself asking the question, it felt very spontaneous and accidental. 

"same reason as you Granger, don't feel like facing the common room"

"why?" If only she could learn when to shut up.

"don't you remember our deal, don't speak to me," 

She crossed a line, hit a nerve, "I'll tell you if you tell me," she bargained.

He turned around to look at her, "Look granger I couldn't care less whats going on in your life, don't speak to me or leave," 

Apparently he still disliked her then.

She got started on some more homework and thought about going to the common room although the thought scared her, the tension in the room was high since she clearly annoyed him. The silence filled the room and it was loud... until it wasn't, "Lavender was talking about you in history of magic," he said relatively quietly, she managed to mutter a 'what?'in response, she was struggling to understand, "she was telling Weasley how you made her cry,"

"I didn't make her cry!" She said it too loudly, it caught him off guard, he turned around to look at her again, "thought you should know," he added softly.

"she's clearly brainwashing him, what have I ever done to her" she was speaking frantically to herself at this point but he was still looking at her, listening. There was a pause and silence filled the room again, "I don't think its worth it," Hermione looked at him struggling to comprehend what he was implying, "clearly he's dimwitted if he's listening to a girl he only just met over his best friend of what? 4 years?"

"5" she corrected, "exactly 5, even I wouldn't stoop so low," she looked at him and he looked at her, "why?" she asked him. "why what?" he replied back.

"why are you suddenly being nice to me,"

"I'm not being nice, i'm simply telling you what I've observed." he looked at the floor then he looked back at her, "were you dating?" 


"who do you think, for Merlin's sake, Weasley," 

She pulled a face and replied blankly, "no," 

"I always thought you would have at some point,"

"clearly your observations aren't always so accurate," he smiled and she felt her heart beating. "what did Ron say?"

He looked at her with a confused expression on his face for a while, then it clicked, "you don't wanna know," and then he turned back around to his book. She kept looking at him, "granger," he said in a stern voice after a while as if to dismiss her and make her turn around again, "I wanna know,"she muttered, he stared at his book but he wasn't reading, "No,"

"you've tried to make my life miserable countless times before why are you missing out on this opportunity," he turned around, "you really wanna know," she nodded, "fine, he told her you didn't mean anything to him, happy?"

"you're lying," she said sternly, tears were trying to break through again but she wouldn't let that happen this time, "have it your way Granger but you wanted the truth, I gave you the truth,"

She turned around to her homework again, when he noticed she was quiet he looked at her but he didn't say anything. 

They didn't speak for what felt like ages. Suddenly loud footsteps were heard on the stairs, they turned to face each other, both their faces shocked and confused, who could it possibly be.

The door flung open, Filch burst in, they both stood up, "STUDENTS OUT OF BEDS STUDENTS OUT OF BEDS," he yelled

"what time is it," muttered draco,

 "shit its 11," replied Hermione

"There's no need to yell Filch I was right behind you," It was Mcgonnigal's voice, she was a few steps behind Filch but she soon entered the room too, "ah Miss Granger and... Mr Malfoy, what a suprise, Filch go fetch Snape," 

"certainly Professor," and just like that he sprinted down the stairs again.

"care to explain what you two were doing past curfew?"

"We were studying, didn't realise the time, sorry professor," Hermione spoke up, Draco just looked at her.

Mcgonnigal gave them a wary look, "very well, lets wait for Professor Snape shall we,"

Snape didn't dawdle and soon arrived with Filch leading him, "you called? Minerva," he spoke as if he had a clogged nose. "Yes, Severus you see, these two," she gave them a look, "have been out past curfew, apparently studying," 

"Mr Malfoy... with Miss granger?" Snape asked

"exactly what I was thinking," Mcgonnigal added, "what's your verdict?"

"detention 2 weeks, my classroom," Snape said with his head held high

"very well, is that understood?" She looked at them and they both nodded.

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