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    The night was only beginning. All the villagers still lingered amongst themselves, the lights yet to be turned on. Perhaps they thought the sun was still bright enough to protect them, granting them a false sense of security. 

    Yarrow and I watched from the treeline, sizing up each human we laid our eyes upon. Determining which would be the easiest or, if Yarrow was up for a challenge, which would be the hardest.

    Yarrow nudged my shoulder. "Mara, look," he whispered, barely containing his excitement. He pointed towards a family that lingered near the edges of the forest. The mother held a wicker basket in her hand and was searching the bushes, presumably for berries. The father held onto the hands of two boys who looked barely a year old. They were giggling.

    "Oh, aren't you lucky." I chuckled.

    "Two babies Mara, two!" As Yarrow spoke his next words, he got ready to sprint. "Ready?"

    I chuckled and quickly peered my head out. When I ceased to see the silver plated armor of the Hunters, I gave him a thumbs up. "We're good to go."

    A tiny squeal came from Yarrow, causing me to snort as an attempt to calm my laughter. Any sudden noise now was sure the scare them. If those babies got away, Yarrow would never let me forget.

    "On the count of three, we go after them. Kay?" Yarrow's crimson eyes gained their familiar sparkle. The sparkle of blood lust.

    I nodded. "One."



    We erupted from hiding like lava from a volcano, sprinting towards the family. Our animistic screams and howls echoed through the air.

    As the family saw us barreling towards them, they only managed to get one word out before taking off in a mad dash for their life.


    A sadistic laugh escaped my lips as I grabbed towards the children, missing them by a hair. Adrenaline surged through my limbs.

    "Turn the lights on," shouted the man as they entered the village, Yarrow and I on their heels.

    "Aw shit," Yarrow cussed.

    "We ain't letting them get away that easily, pick up the pace!"

    As the man hurried his wife and children inside, Yarrow grabbed the knob of the door. The family begun to scream in terror as I stalked towards them, teeth out and claws gleaming.

    "My my my," I drawled, tracing a claw along one of the children's necks, "you'll make quite the meal, that's for sure."

    "Don't hurt them," the mother shrieked, pulling her babies closer to her as they begun to wail.

    "Don't worry miss, they won't go to waste." A sinister smile snaked across my face. "Yo Yarrow, how you wanna take them out!"

    "I don't care, make it quick!" Yarrow sounded frantic. "He left to turn the lights on, we needa go!"

    I pulled my hand back, preparing the motion that'd take the children's heads of their body.



    "Don't hurt him!"

    They were backed against a wall. The monsters surrounded them and were slowly inching closer and closer. She used her body as a shield, protecting him. Refusing to let him gain any more wounds from these bitches.

    "He's already close to dead, girly, let us finish the job for you," one of them purred, grabbing onto her chin.

    "Let go of me!" she growled, clawing to get out of their grasps.

    The monster let out a sinister laugh. In one swift motion, they tossed her to the other side of the room. She crashed into her desk, causing multiple tools and cans to rain upon her.

    None of that matter as his screams filled the air. She watched helplessly as the monsters closed in on him, then as his screams fell silent while they feasted on his body.

 She watched helplessly as the monsters closed in on him, then as his screams fell silent while they feasted on his body

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