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    "Shit shit shit!"

    "Get her!" the Hunters shouted as I bolted off into the night.

     "Shit shit shit," I kept muttering to myself, holding my arm as warm, black liquid oozed from it. Pain throbbed throughout with each pulse of blood that seeped out.

    More bangs were fired off into my direction, causing me to jump. This couldn't be it, I couldn't die by Hunters. No one wanted to die by Hunters.

     A screech escaped my lips as another small pellet lodged it's way into my calf, causing me to collapse.

    As they closed into view, panic flared to life. I used whatever strength I could in my arms to push myself away. The more distance that remained, the better.

    My back hit a tree, and just like that, I was surrounded.

    Three hunters, each dressed in silver and red armor, surrounded me. I couldn't make out any features, each face was covered by a silvered mask and blood red goggles. It was almost like they were trying to mimic a Walker's appearance. The only thing I could make out was hair. One person had cropped chocolate hair, one had platinum hair tied back into a bun, and the other, presumed to be the leader of the bunch, had fiery red hair that was braided and ran down her back.

    The red haired girl pointed her shiny stick at me. "Vermin," she taunted, "nothin' but a scared, helpless rat. How does it feel being the prey?"

    Burrowing my claws into the tree, I smiled. An idea came to mind. Sure, it was crazy and may not work, but I'd rather die trying to escape then sit here and wait for my fate to be sealed.

     "I wouldn't know."

     Then, just like the strange, metal orbs that lodged inside me, I sprang into action and raced up the tree. 

     "Oh, for fucks sake!"

     I let out a quiet snicker as I continued climbing. There was a branch near the top of the tree that looked stable enough to support me, and provided enough cover to shield me. I just had to ignore the aching in my body.

    "No one said they could climb," the blond person noted. 

     "That's because they can't...I thought anyways."

    Hoisting myself onto my branch and steadying myself, I watched the scene play out below.

    "Come, lets report back. We can get more patrol around here to look for her, she eventually has to come out of that tree."

    The group walked away ans a chill ran down my spine. They were right, I would eventually have to come down. Based on what they said, the sooner I came down, the better for me.

    Turning my head in their direction, my eyes caught glimpse of something that made my heart sing.

    Smoke. With smoke came fire. With fire came humans. I had found the camp. Almost got killed by it's inhabitants, sure, but I found it!

    "No way," I whispered in awe. "I actually did that."

    Now, the only obstacle that remained was figuring out how to get into the camp without being killed.  

    Walkers were usually asleep during the day. I presumed that they'd continue the search at night, once Walkers were normally roaming around. If I, somehow, found a way to survive through the night, I could sneak into the camp grounds during the day. That way, there would be less of a chance of running into any potential humans that could kill me. Somehow, I'd find a good disguise. Maybe covering my face with leaves or branches would work? Plus, my grayed skin could act as dirt. Just got full of gravel and dirt on my way to the camp, yeah.

    I giggled softly to myself, carefully climbing down from the tree. Tomorrow I'd have the answers I craved, or I'd die trying. Either way, my quest would finally be done.

 Either way, my quest would finally be done

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