──●Twenty Five●──

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    When the building around me finally settled, I let out a shaky breath. Somehow, I was still alive.

    Now, if I could get out of this rumble would potentially alter that outcome.

    Using my shoulder, I attempted to push the planks of fallen wood out of the way. They creaked and groaned, but didn't budge.

    "Shit," I groaned. Using my hands to attempt to push it away, I let out a defeated sigh. I was stuck.

    No holes remained in sight, so I couldn't crawl out. Plus, even if I could, my leg wasn't strong enough. Black blood still oozed from it, and my whole body felt numb and heavy.

    "Fucking Alastor," I grumbled, "good thing that bastard is dead."

    If I didn't find a way to get out of here soon, I'd join him. Suffocation was not a good way to go out. I had to keep living to spite that son of a bitch. I couldn't make the Council regret shit if I wasn't alive.

    "Hello! Help!" 

    When no one answered, I screamed even louder. "Help, I'm trapped!"


    My body relaxed at the sound of Yarrow's voice. "Yes, it's me!"

     "Hold on!" 

    Above me, I heard the rapid creaks of the wood, followed by the loud bang of it being thrown.

     Spots of light began to dot the floor around me. "I can't see you," Yarrow hollared.

    "I'm under the table!"

    Yarrow chuckled as he cleared around it. "What're you doin' under a table, Mar?"

    "Fucking trying to keep from being crushed, what else do you think?"

    He giggled, which caused me to grumble. Now was not the time to be making jokes. Alas, in typical Yarrow fashion, he didn't let the seriousness of the situation stop him from his typical quips.

    "I think I got it cleared out enough for you to climb!"

    I used my arms and pulled myself out. Looking above, I was met by Yarrow's gleaming face.

    "I can't climb, I need help."

    Swiftly sliding down the rumble, Yarrow helped me to my feet. "You got a pretty good gouge on your leg, and you feel hella cold," he noted.

    "Just Al tryna kill me, nothing major."

    "Speaking of the devil, where is he?"

    I smiled. "He's dead."

    "Oh, so that's who's blood you're wearin'." As he pulled me out of the rubble, he laughed a hearty laugh. "Holy shit Mara, you actually did it."

    I scoffed. "What, you thought I wouldn't? I meant what I said, you should know not to doubt me."

    He giggled. "You literally brought the house down."

    Looking around, he wasn't wrong. 

    Only a small portion of the camp remained intact. The other half was in ruins. Wood and stone littered the floor like leaves in the forest. The walls and roof no longer remained, exposing us to the elements. Peering into the sunken hole that was once the turning chambers, it was covered with glass, metal, and the dried up solution. Somewhere, under all the wreckage, were the pieces of Alastor's dismembered body. He'd lie there and rot for eternity, just like he deserved.

    "Holy shit," Yarrow breathed, looking down the hole. 

    I smiled. "Hard to believe that this existed, right?"

    "And we were just blind to the whole thing. Like holy, how did he ever get away with this for so long without any of us knowing?"

    "Truthfully, I just think he killed off the ones who found out. At least, that's what he planned on doin' with me."

    "What." Yarrow's eyes creased with concern as he lowered his voice. "He tried to kill you?"

    I giggled. "I mentioned it before Yarrow, that's why my leg is all banged up. He was tryna drown me with the liquid, or give me too much that I'd freeze to death."

    This time, Yarrow scoffed. "Well, sorry for trying to be a good friend by inquiring about your injuries. My brain wasn't braining Mara."

    "It's okay, honestly." I wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you, once again, for saving my life."

    He ruffled my hair. "I really am a miracle worker, aren't I?"

    I chuckled. "Yes, Yarrow, you are." 

    Yarrow's gaze darted to the treeline. "Mara, look."

    The treeline was illuminated with an orange glow. The sound of foot fall and human chatter lingered in the air. The sun was beginning to dip behind the treeline. For some reason, the humans decided to come early. 

    "Oh shit."

    "Will they not kill you because, y'know, you used to be human?"

    I shook my head. "Truthfully, I dunno. I ain't gonna be the one to figure it out although." I lowered my voice. "They shouldn't even be here right now, I told them check at sunrise. Not sunset. Or I thought so anyways."

    "Can you walk?"

    I tried to put pressure on my leg, but was only met by a searing pain. The effects of the liquid were starting to wear off, my body no longer felt as heavy and drugged as it previously did. With that, the pain of my leg became all the more intense.

    "I can walk with my one leg, but the banged up fella, yeah nope. I honestly couldn't stand on it by myself even if I tried to."

    "Well, you're in luck!" Yarrow pulled me close to him. "Lean on my shoulder and use it as a crutch."

    I nodded. "You got the bags?'

    Yarrow patted his shoulder. Both his bag, my bag and the bag of food was there. "You betcha."

    I pointed towards a darkened spot in the treeline. "Lets get the fuck outta here before we become chow."

    "Sounds good to me."


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