──●Twenty Four●──

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    As I stormed into the infirmary, shrieks and cries from the medics and patients filled the halls.

    "Get out while you can," I hollered. "If you want to have a chance at living, get out now!"

    Everyone quickly obliged. Medics helped the patients out of their cots, and they scrambled out.

    Part of me liked seeing this frenzy. The panic and fear that filled the air was unlike anything I felt before. It was addicting and intoxicating. I yearned for more.

    Opening the secret bookcase door, I felt that need rise. I wanted the blood shed. I needed the blood shed. It was almost like a primal urge was awakened, and I needed to satisfy it. Nothing would matter until that thirst was quenched.

    I swiftly descended down the spiral staircase. The stone was covered with cobwebs. Dried, red splotches of blood sprinkled the flooring below. This was the place that was in my vision. Everything, even down to the stairs that were cracked, remained the same.

    My heart thumped louder and louder with each step. If this was the same, that meant my fears would be true.

    Rounding the corner, my heart dropped. Standing in the same spots as they were in my vision were the large casks of glowing, crimson turning liquid.

     "Holy shit it does exist."


    At the end of the room stood Alastor, claws and teeth bared at me.

    "You know, my dear Mara, you aren't supposed to be down here. You aren't supposed to be wielding those weapons either." He pointed to the gun that I held firmly in my hand, as well as my vest.

    "You aren't s'pose to be doing a lot of stuff either, but I don't see you giving a damn," I spat. A newfound venom coated my words. I wouldn't have dared speak to Alastor in such a tone, but now I couldn't care less. He brought this upon himself.

    He chuckled darkly. "My dear, what is with the tone? Are you suppose to talk to your Commander that way?"

    "The very little amount of respect I had for you is gone, Al. You're nothing more than a monster."

    "If I'm the monster, what does that make you? You've killed more than I've ever. Ruthless, without remorse." He traced his finger along the glass of the cask. "All I've done is some chemistry and experimenting."

    "You've turned innocent humans, Al! Don't play stupid and coy with me, I know what you did to them! You're a snake!"

    A quizzical expression bloomed on his face. "And how would you know?"

    "I found out, Alastor. I'm not Mara, I'm Camille. The same girl you said would never find out, no matter how hard she tried?" I smirked. "Well, I did. I found out, and now I'm going to make you pay for everything."

    "But did you find out why I did it?"


    Alastor smirked. "Yes, Mara, why? Why would I commit such a heinous crime to mankind? What did I seek to get out of this?"

    My silence told him all that he needed to know.

    "Just like you, I was once one of those filthy humans. Walkers never used to exist, Mara. I created them! "


    "To prove a point. Kings and queens used to rule, and all I was was a poor peasant boy serving them. I wasn't fit to rule, or so they told me. Boy, I proved them dead fucking wrong! I tinkered around with what lingered in the castle apothecary, and created this!" He gestured around the room with his arms. "All this, made by me! I turned who I deemed worthy into Walkers, and killed off the rest of the weaklings. Humans are vile, selfish creatures who need to be eradicated. You should feel honored I decided to choose you to join my fleet. You were one hell of a fighter, I could put your talent to more use than those humans ever could."

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