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    Once Koda finished my design, they smiled to themselves.

    "Go take a look in the pond just over yonder and tell me if you like it."

    I nodded, pulled the long, eggshell coloured coat over my shoulders, and ran towards the pond.

    Despite not being able to see the design at all, I could still slightly make out what it was. Numerous dots and lines laid under my eyes and on the bridge of my nose, somewhat like freckles. For some reason, Koda drew a R on my forehead, or so it felt like it. Hopefully, my reflection would tell a different story.

    Bowing down to look into the pristine water, I smiled. My reflection did tell a different story. The dots and lines were carefully placed, almost like they were trying to write a language on me. Upon looking, the R was not a R. I've seen this symbol on other Hunter's heads. Before I left, these people were all around our camp. At least one would come home with us as our feast for the day. 

    "Koda," I questioned when I made it back.

    "Yea?" They were busy cleaning.

    "The symbol on my forehead, I've seen it on other Hunters before. I was wondering what it means."

    Koda smiled. "It's a bind rune for safe travels. The whole face painting situation you got going on is what we typically do for our major celebrations."


    "We celebrate harvest, the changing of seasons, birthdays, the beginning of a new year, lots of stuff." Koda paused and looked at me, their brow creased with confusion. "You don't?"

    I shook my head. The concept of celebrations had never been brought up at all. Everyday was the same, hunt sleep repeat. We didn't have any days to celebrate. No bountiful harvest. Hell, I hardly remembered my own birthday.

    "Huh, that's different." Koda gestured with their chin for me to follow. "Put your goggles over your eyes for now. I'm thinking I can maybe get away with saying you're from a different settlement. For the regalia, it differs slightly. Hopefully, that won't blow your cover as a Night Walker."

    "I sure hope so, or I'll be dead meat."

    Koda chuckled to themselves. 

    The sound of groans and pants alerted me. I looked up to find a pack of humans, no more than twenty or so, trying to roll a huge boulder from the strange cliff. Koda, seemingly unfazed, ran over to assist.

    Once the boulder rolled away, my jaw dropped. In its wake was a ginormous hole, a hole that lead into the cliff.

    Upon seeing my reaction, Koda chuckled. "What, you didn't think we lived on the surface, did you?"

     "I... I kinda did."

    Koda chuckled again before disappearing into the hole. I quickly followed after.

    "Ever since our base was destroyed," they started, "and the situation regarding Camille's death happened, we relocated underground. We don't have to worry as much about Walkers getting to our younger or older members, or even to our trainees. Plus, we can always expand without the threat of Walkers knowing."

    "I didn't even know anyone lived here," I muttered, which caused Koda to chuckle.

    "Looks like our system is working!"

    I nodded and followed them. Underground, they had some sort of catacomb situation going on. The walls were packed solid with what looked like clay and were reinforced with wooden beams that, may I add, were in better shape than the wooden structures above ground. Numerous lanterns were hung from these beams, bathing us in a warm, amber glow. 

    "You should be, hopefully, getting your answers by today."

   "Ooo, that's speedy! I like it."

    As we turned a corner, Koda set their hand on my shoulder. "You excited to finally get answers for everything? I can't imagine how annoying those visions must be."

    I let out a breath, trying to release the nervousness that was simmering in my body. "They've been kinda spooky, to say the least. A little scary too at times. Truthfully, though, I'm a little nervous."

    "Any reason why?"

    "Just, well, everything." I gestured around us with my arms, then lowered my voice. "I'm a bit nervous my cover will be blown. Nervous that the answers I seek won't be the answers that I want, or that I won't get any answers at all."

    "Sera is a pretty warm and kind individual, you'll be okay."


    "Our compound leader." Koda smiled. "If anyone were to know about your visions and whatnot, she would. Even if they aren't from this encampment, she'll be able to find out from the other camps."

    "This is the right place." As we stopped by a big, spruce door, I took time to understand my feelings. On top of feeling anxious, this place felt strangely familiar. My body seemed to be calm and relaxed, despite my raging emotions. This place felt like home, like I belonged.

   Koda knocked on the door, then sent me a smile. "Good."


    The sound of shuffled steps could be heard from inside. The door clicked and swung open, revealing the same red haired women that tried to kill me on my way over.

    I felt my face pale. Shit. I was so, so dead.   


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