──●Twenty Two●──

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    Rain began to pelted my back. My path was illuminated by the occasional lash of lightning, as well as the rising sun.

    While everyone was out hunting, that would be my time to strike. I'd pack what remained of my room, then bomb this place to the ground. My newfound humanity seemed to flicker in my brain. It felt mean, almost cruel, to do something like this without warning. If the members at our base were anything like me, they were unaware of the liquid, too. Alastor probably made up an excuse as to why attacking my old home was the only solution. He was quick and cunning like that.

    I chuckled to myself. "Old home...looks like I have two old homes now."

    Once I officially left the Walker camp, who knew were home would be. Who knew if I'd ever have a home again. Part of my plan seemed reckless, I'd be forcing all the remainders of my kind to the streets. In the end, we would end up homeless either way. It was either by my hands, or the human's hands.


    I barely heard it above the roaring of the wind.


    Suddenly, I felt a body collide into mine as warm arms wrapped themselves tightly around my mid section.

    "Holy shit, you're alive." Yarrow's voice was shaky, almost like he'd been crying.

    I wrapped my arms around him and buried my head into his chest. 

    "What happened Mar? Where'd you go?"

    "I found out about my visions." Looking up to Yarrow's face, I smiled. I missed seeing that face.

    "What'd you find out?"

    This time, it was my turn for the tears to fall. "I was human. The person in my visions was me. There's a secret Alastor's been keeping from us, Yarrow. There's turning liquid, that's how we've been gaining members so fast. He's been getting Walkers to basically take humans and turn them into us."

    Yarrow was silent. I continued to talk.

    "He had made a deal with the humans that if I sacrificed myself, he'd keep my camp safe. I was turned into a Walker and given a new identity basically, and Al attacked the humans the next day. The humans aren't the monsters, we are. I understand why they want us dead now, I want us dead too."

    "Is that why you got all those human weapons?" His voice was monotone.

    "When I was there, they said they found us. On the full moon, all the camps are comin' to storm and attack ours. It was either I let the attack happen, or I take it into my own hands. Al needs to be stopped, this turning shit needs to stop. This whole Hunters versus Walkers war needs to stop."

    Yarrow let out a shaky breath. "You're not gonna kill me, right?"

    I squeezed Yarrow tighter. "I may have been human, but I'm also a Walker. You've shown me nothing but kindness, Yarrow. You saved my life, remember? I couldn't, and wouldn't, take yours from you. Alastor is the one who needs to die, everyone else in there is just as oblivious to his shit as we were."

     "When are you doing everything?"

    "I'm going back to pack a bag, then it's happening. I'm the only one, besides Alastor, that knows where the turning chamber is. I need to attack the source."

    "But you'll be trapped in the rubble, and Al-"

    "Alastor won't be alive after this."

    "Just...don't forget about me, okay? I'll miss you Mara." Yarrow pulled me in closer. "Human or not, you're my bestie. I'll always love ya."

    I giggled, wiping the tears from both of our eyes. "You can come with me, if you'd like. Why do our adventures have to stop here? I'll show you how to use some of this sick shit. We can actually live without Al and the Council watching our every move."

    He smiled. "You know I'm going to take any chance to hurt that stupid hierarchy shit we got goin' on."

    "There's the Yarrow I know." I pulled out one of my grenades and plopped it in his pocket. 

    "What's that?"

    "A grenade, I'll tell ya how to use it when we're packin. Now, lets go get ready to kick some ass."


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