──●Twenty Three●──

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    "How did the humans even let you in?"

    Yarrow sat on my bed, legs crossed, watching me fold my clothes neatly and slide trinkets into the pocket of my bag. His packed bag sat beside him.

    "One of them actually found me. I stumbled into their camp, had to prove I wasn't gonna eat them, and ta-da, I got a disguise and was let in."

    I though about Koda and Sera, as well as all the other humans at the camp. Hopefully, this war didn't end up killing them. Sera made for a great Commander, and Koda was well on their way to becoming a great leader. Part of me was jealous about how their camp was. Everyone cared for each other, like they were all one happy family. Meanwhile, here it was everyone for themselves. The only family I had was Yarrow.

    Yarrow giggled. "Was it really that easy?"

    "It was hard, I got a few bullets to my arm and leg before I even made it."


    I giggled. "Bullets, the weird pellet thingies that the Hunters shoot at us?"

    "Ohh, okay okay."

    "Speaking of wounds, how are your burns? They all better, or were you just being rebellious before?"

     Yarrow waved off the comment. "Pfft, who do you think I am! Of course they're all better! I'm a man of class, of course I wouldn't go against the medic!"

    He rolled up his striped sleeves and pointed to his arms. The only thing that remained were light grey patches, almost like spots.

    "You look like you got spots now."

    "Hey! These spots saved your life!"

    I giggled. "I know, I know."

    Yarrow regained a familiar, quizzical glow in his eyes. "So, are human camps kinda like ours?"

    "You've seen them before, you tell me Yarrow."

    Yarrow huffed. "Well, not while there wasn't people shootin at me!"

    I giggled. "They are really cool, really big too. The one I was at, the camp was underground. It was so nifty Yarrow, I wish you woulda been there. They even grow their own food, and have celebrations!"

    "Ooo!" Yarrow's face lit up. "What kind of celebrations?"

    "Harvest festivals, new years festivals, birthdays, all sorts of stuff. When we're on our own, we have to start celebrating stuff. I never realized how doomy and gloomy it is here."

    "We need to lighten up the mood," Yarrow agreed.


    Upon packing the last of my things, I looked at my room for the final time. After today, my room would be nothing more than rubble. Maybe even an artifact. On top of that, this would be the last time I'd have a semi warm place to sleep. From now on, we'd be sleeping wherever we could find while aimlessly wandering about.

    I looked to Yarrow. "You ready to head on out?"

    Yarrow took in a breath. "As ready as I can be."

    "Alright, lets go I guess."

    With that, we descended down the stairs and towards the kitchen. Yarrow and I had discussed that it was best to carry some food on us. Even though hunting was a piece of cake, animals could be more scarce with it becoming winter. We couldn't hunt if we couldn't even find animals. I'd rather be prepared for the possibility then come to regret it.

    "Oh Yarrow, I still have some human food on me. With what you grab, we should be good for a little bit."

    Yarrow nodded my way and slipped into the kitchen. The chefs were busy slicing the meat from the night's hunt.

    Just as quickly, Yarrow stepped out, slabs of meat in hand.

    "I got some hearts, stomachs, and some nice thigh meat too! It should last us for a bit!"

    I quickly fished out the spare cloth bag I had in my pocket, and Yarrow dropped our food into it.

    "Y'know, I told the humans we eat stomachs and whatnot, and how we slice them open and get a two for one deal. They found that revolting." I giggled, remembering Koda's expression.

    Yarrow giggled. "Don't knock it till you try it! They don't know what's good for 'em!"

    "That's what I said!" I handed Yarrow my bag and embraced him. "I'll see you on the other side, okay?"

    "Just be safe please." Yarrow's voice trembled.

    "Wait." I smiled and dipped my finger in blood from the meat. I gently pushed his hair up, then drew the bind rune on his forehead.

    "The humans showed me that, it means safe travels. I have one on my vest, too. It'll keep us safe."

    Yarrow grabbed my wrist and, pulling the dark elastic off of it, tied my hair up into a high ponytail. "If you're committing to a new look, you might as well go all in." He smiled. "Red suits you, Mara. I like it."

    I smiled and looked to my red shirt. Yarrow was right, I did look pretty good.

     "Safe travels Yarrow."

    Yarrow smiled back. "Safe travels Mara"

    Gun in hand, I took off down the hall. It was time for Alastor to pay his due. 


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