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    The feeling of cool metal on my forehead forced me out of my daze. As I looked up, the same man from before was in front of me. Only this time, he held a weapon.

    Before my brain had time to process the situation, I dropped to the floor as a round was fired off into the distance. Scrambling, I looked around. "Yarrow," I called out.

    Just then, a pair of gray, calloused hands grabbed my waist and hoisted me into their shoulder. Without a second to spare, Yarrow sprinted out of the building and to the treeline.

    "Yarrow," I whispered, still slightly dazed.

    "You're fucking lucky," was his reply.

    "W-what happened?"

    As we made it to the treeline, Yarrow dumped my body on the ground.

    "You blacked out or something, I don't fucking know. One minute you were getting ready to kill, the next you were a fucking statue. If I weren't there, you would of had your brains blown out."

    As I looked towards Yarrow, I noticed the reddened, inflamed skin on his arms. "Yarrow-"

    "Nah, don't worry." He pulled down the sleeves of his striped sweater. "Let's just head back, okay?"

    "But the hunt-"

    "No, Mara." With that, Yarrow left. 

    Instead of following him, I remained sprawled out on the ground. What had even happened? Like Yarrow said, just as sudden as I had prepared for the kill, I was jerked out into some odd reality. A nightmare, or something of the like.

    The contents of the weird vision didn't seem to scare me, or did they? I had watched numerous Night Walkers tear into humans. Hell, even I've done that before. Regardless, my heart still pounded and my eyes threatened to water. That girl, that dying boy. They felt familiar, but no matter the amount of picking I did in my own brain, I couldn't figure out why. They were human, I knew no humans.

    "Yarrow, wait up!" I quickly forced myself up and began to sprint to him.

    As I caught up to him, he pulled me towards him. "You feeling better?"

    "Yeah, about that..." I let out a pent up sigh before continuing, "Back there, in that house, I don't know for sure but I think I had a vision. Or a nightmare, I'm unsure. I watched a human watch her friend get eaten. Just, I don't know, I felt what she felt. Scared, sorrow, hurt. I felt everything. I thought it was a nightmare, but it just seemed too, well, real."

    "Hmm." Yarrow stayed quiet for a moment. "Maybe talk to the medic? I have to go there anyways when we get back, you could question them about it."

   "I suppose." As I caught glimpse of Yarrow's arms again, a pang of guilt settled in my chest. "Look, thanks for saving me, and sorry for the burns. It's my fault."

    As the camp came into view, Yarrow smiled. "Don't worry about it Mara, they aren't bad. Plus, I'd do it again if it meant keeping you safe. I can't and won't lose my bestie."


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