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    As I knocked on the wooden door that led to Alastor's office, my heart raced. Vomit threatened to spill into my mouth and sweat caked my brow.


    As Al rushed to let us in, Yarrow squeezed my hand. "You got this Mara," he whispered, "I'll be right out here waiting for you."

    "Thank you," I mumbled, squeezing back.

     "Oh, Mara! Yarrow! What a lovely surprise! Please, come in!"

    At that moment, if this hallway wasn't so tight, I would've abandoned post. Alas, with Yarrow in the hallway, I couldn't move backwards. My fate was sealed.

    "It'll just be me coming in, sir." I forced a smile to my face.

    "Oh? Well, come in then!"

    Despite my mind shouting in protest, I walked in. When he shut the door, my mind only screamed louder.

    "So, Mara, what brings you here at this hour? Shouldn't you and Yarrow be heading to sleep?"

    Small beams of sunlight managed to escape from the grey curtains and painted the darkened floor with a golden glow, showing every dust particle in full definition. 

    "Uhm, yeah, about that." I swallowed down the rising vomit that hid in my throat before continuing, "I was just at the medic, she told me to come here."

     Alastor sat at his desk and raised an eyebrow at me. "Oh? Why for?"

    "I, uh, had a vision. About a past life, I was told to check here. Something about you having a file on me-"

    Alastor slammed a fist on his desk, which caused me to jump.

    "Fucking medic." I heard him mumble under his breath.

    "Pardon, sir?"

    Alastor sighed and ran a hand through his cropped, graying hair. "That medic was just lying to you, my dear. I'll have a word with her after our meeting."

    "I-" My head spun with questions, but my mouth had trouble articulating them. Why would the medic, whose soul purpose was to keep our compound in tip top shape, lie to me?

    "My apologies for the inconvenience, Mara. I'm sure it's nothing that needs to be looked further into."

    "She said it could be about a past sibling or something, all I need is my file-"

    "You're not looking at your file. That is for Council eyes only."

    His words came out cold and harsh, causing me to move closer towards the door. 

    "Plus, it's probably just a nightmare. It'll go away eventually."

    "Yeah," I forced a small chuckle, trying to mask my discomfort.

    "Is that all, dear?"


    Alastor gestured for me to leave with a quick swoosh his hand. He stood up and rested an arm on his filing cabinet. "Off to bed, then. You need to be well rested for tomorrow's hunt!"

    Without another word, or even a nod, I flung open the door and, pushing past Yarrow, sped down the hallway towards my room.

    "How'd it go Mara?" Yarrow questioned, trying to catch up to me.

    "I don't want to talk about it right now. I just wanna sleep." 

    As I raced down the stairs towards our sleeping quarters, I could have sworn I heard Alastor say he was going to murder the medic.

    As I raced down the stairs towards our sleeping quarters, I could have sworn I heard Alastor say he was going to murder the medic

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