Chapter 1: Sleeping with the Enemy.

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Chapter  1

~Lucas’ POV~

Some referred to me as a vigilante, a man who took the law into his own hands without the least bit of respect for authority. Others called me a criminal; no better than the men I sought to take down.

My enemies thought me a nuisance and me? I  just saw myself as a man who wanted to do some good in the world, to wipe the streets clean of all the bastards who didn’t belong there, yet here I was crawling out of bed after a wild night  of sex with the enemy; Reputed arms dealer, alleged hit man and drug lord Adrian Corsetti.

I guess you could add hypocritical to the list of strikes against me, after all, here I was turning a blind eye to my lover’s crimes while day after day I turned men in to the police for much more simple things than Adrian had done.

 If I said it wasn’t something that bothered me constantly then I would be lying but I guess it was as they say; the heart wants what the heart wants and when it came to my own heart I was weak.

I slipped out of  his bed as quietly as I could and proceeded to pull on my discarded clothes. Along with all my other ‘heroic’ duties I was the owner of a martial arts dojo and once again I was late for training. Copious amounts of sex could do that to a person: cause him to shirk his responsibilities and let down the people who depended on him.

I had just pulled on my jeans and was about to buckle up when he spoke and I froze.

“What are you doing?” he questioned from the bed, his voice sounding hoarse with sleep and I looked over at him.

“I’m late.” I told him simply and looked around for my phone. I knew I brought it in here last night.

“Looking for this?” he asked, holding up my cell and dangling it above his head, a teasing smile playing about his lips.

Shit I knew that look.

“Adrian, I’m late, hand it over.” I said, making my voice firm as I held my hand out to him.

“Give me a kiss first. Just one kiss and I’ll give it to you.”  He responded with a sly grin and my eyes narrowed. We both knew it wouldn’t end at one kiss so rather than take the bait I shrugged and grabbed my wallet from the bedside table.

“I think I can manage without my phone for one day.” I said and turned to go but to my surprise just before I turned the handle of the door that would take me into the hallway, I felt a pair of strong hands wrap around my waist and pull me back to bed.

In no time he was hovering over me, his legs straddling mine as he looked down at me with a grin.

“Stay with me today.” He said and I shook my head, struggling to get up, but his hands on my arms held me down and I gave up, there was no point in fighting against him, his strength far outweighed mine. He was a class four shape shifter after all.

Adrian you know I can’t, unlike you I have to work to pay the bills, now let me up.” I said, giving him a gentle shove.

“Let that David kid take over for you. I want you to myself today.” He said, his voice growing soft as he lowered his head and placed a whisper of a kiss on my cheek.

“That’s what you said yesterday.” I told him with a chuckle and he placed another kiss on my lips, silencing me momentarily.

“That’s because I love having you with me.” He said a moment later and my heart warmed at his words.

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