Chapter 10: The Corsetti Brothers.

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Chapter 10

 ~Lucas’s POV~

I couldn’t deny the rush of excitement I felt at seeing my friend after such a long time but the moment I watched the Corsetti brothers being dragged away the smile fell from my face and I turned to Carson, completely serious now. Pleasantries were over.

I could tell he noticed the change in my mood because his hand fell from my shoulder and the amusement left his face.

“I suppose now would be as good a time as any for you to explain why you brought them here.” Carson said, “Let’s go up to my quarters.” He went on and after a quick glance over my shoulder at  Adrian and the others, I  followed quietly behind the Alpha.


“So you’re telling me you’re in a relationship with a criminal.” It wasn’t a question and I knew that from the look he was giving me that it wasn’t something he would easily understand.

“Come on Carson, you of all people should know that you can’t help who you fall for.” I said. I didn’t mention the fact that I got into it with Adrian before I had really felt any deep emotions toward him.

“No no no, wolves don’t have a choice in the matter, our mates are preordained, you could choose and you chose a drug dealer for God’s sake.” He said, looking at me almost as if he was offended by the news.

“Yeah well that can’t be helped now anyway. I fell in love and now I’m stuck with him.” I said quietly running my hand through my hair for about the tenth time that day. It was the first time I had admitted my love for Adrian to another person and it wasn’t exactly a freeing experience.

Carson was silent for a moment and I adjusted myself in the chair to look around his dining room, it had been so long since I’d seen the place but it hadn’t changed a bit.

“So why bring him here? Are you trying to tell me he’s changed then?” he questioned, looking skeptical and I shook my head.

“No, I confronted him about what happened with Thomas and he said he wasn’t directly responsible.” I told him and continued on before he could get another word in. “ He assured me that he ordered his men to stand down early this morning so no one should bother your pack.”I finished.

“Okay but that still doesn’t tell me why he’s in my territory.” He said without malice and I inwardly cringed. This is where I’d have to lie.

“He’s here because he wants to be, he said he wanted to visit and I tagged along.” the lie left a bitter taste in my mouth and Carson didn’t seem convinced. Of course he wasn’t, he wasn’t an idiot after all, my story didn’t add up, but he didn’t question my integrity.

“So you’re asking me to let three drug dealers roam free in my camp, just like that?”

“I swear they won’t cause any trouble, I’ll make sure of it. Adrian may be a criminal but he knows what you all mean to me, he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize our relationship, trust me.” I said with sincerity, silently praying that he’d believe me because if he didn’t this would not end well for either side.

“You do realize he has the camp surrounded right?” Carson asked after brief contemplation but he didn’t let me answer, “The only reason I’m even taking your assurances into consideration is because he hasn’t made any trouble since the moment he got here.” He told me and my eyes widened.

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