Chapter 13: And so it begins...

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Chapter 13

~Adrian’s POV~

A mating ceremony. That’s what we were all gathered in the woods for. It was a full moon, the wolves were looking a bit too excited and the night air offered nothing in the way of comfort. It had been a crazy few days and if I said I wouldn’t mind things slowing down just a bit, I would be telling the truth.

I was beginning to wonder if it was that this particular wolf pack had some serious issues with bad luck or if it was our presence that had triggered all the events of the past week.

As I reflected on the past seven days I really had to wonder. Fights had broken out among a few wolves within the pack, Carson hated me, Marcus hated me, Grady couldn’t even look at me and his mate wasn’t particularly helpful in that arena either. Scottie had broken his arm, Lucas couldn’t seem to leave my side and the fencing around the outer fringes of the territory had been torn down.

To make matters worse I found myself enjoying the freedom from my ‘work’, Lucas didn’t look like he wanted to leave anytime soon and  it was clear as day that Carson couldn’t wait for me to leave. Over all I couldn’t tell if I was enjoying my time in the camp or if I was hating every minute of it. It was all just a so much to take in and my mind was still reeling from the crazy turn of events.

Then after all that drama, Grady had gotten Laken grounded again, thereby pissing Carson off. Marcus had flown back to London leaving us all behind, one of the werewolves in Carson’s pack had claimed Scottie as a mate and the council of elders had it out for me. Maybe everything would make more sense if I started from the morning after I’d had my little talk with Rivers…


He was watching me.

I could feel his eyes on me and it was a bit disconcerting to say the least.  I’d heard him enter the room fifteen minutes earlier and I couldn’t really say why it was that I hadn’t opened my eyes. Maybe I was feeling guilty about the way I had behaved. Maybe I just didn’t want to deal with his anger right then or maybe I was afraid of what I’d have to deal with when I did. Yeah me, the big bad shape shifter scared to death that his boyfriend would be mad at me. Manly huh?

“I know you’re awake Adrian.”

No point in pretending anymore then. I groaned, shifting slightly on the bed and cracking open my eyes so I could see his face. He was sitting on the uncomfortable wooden chair  and when I opened my eyes, his elbows came to rest on the sheets beside me. He propped up his head in his palms and stared, his expression was one of concern rather than anger which surprised me.

“How are you feeling?” he questioned in a low voice, his eyes coming to rest on my wrapped chest and his brows furrowed.

“After getting my ass kicked by a werewolf? Let’s just say my pride has seen better days.” I said trying to dispel his seriousness with a joke. He didn’t even crack a smile.

“You could have been killed.” He said instead and I snorted.

 “Give me a break, I could have taken him, you’re the one who jumped in.” I said and it surprised me somewhat that I was so calm after his admission.

A year ago I would have been plotting my revenge on a wolf who dared to lay his hands on me and now I was actually planning to apologize to the beast. It was insane.

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