Chapter 18:Cause and effect.

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Chapter 18

It had been four days since Marcus left and I’d spoken to him exactly once since his disappearing act. That particular conversation had been short and clipped at best and I really didn’t expect it to get much better anytime soon.

My brother was the most stubborn person I knew and short of falling to my knees and begging for his forgiveness -which there was no way in hell I’d be doing- he wouldn’t be coming around unless it was of his own accord.

I looked around at the vast majority of people standing about and not for the first time that night I was just in awe at the size of the pack, especially after being told that  this still wasn’t everyone.

It was certainly interesting to watch such a large number of people interact with each other, to come together in such a peaceful way simply to observe two of their members complete a mating ceremony.

Almost everyone seemed to be in a sort of trance, their faces were aglow with excitement and awe as they looked to the crest of the hill where the ceremony was taking place. Scott and Jessie were especially attentive; their hands were interlocked and their eyes never left to hill, the reason for which I could only guess was their own upcoming ritual.

I didn’t think they’d set a date yet but there was no doubt that it was coming and as with this ceremony I could only imagine many would be in attendance.

I glanced back onto the stage just in time to witness the chief elder wrap the cord around the couple’s wrists joining them together as a symbol of their union. The couple looked equally euphoric and nervous but their eyes were only for each other.

“Wanna get out of here?” Lucas asked beside me and I nodded even before I turned toward him. We’d been there for about forty-five minutes already and while the others were still enjoying every minute of it, I’d grown bored stiff long ago.

I felt his hand on my arm and a second later he was ushering me through the throng of people and then we were trudging through the dense forestry.

“Where are we going?’ I questioned him as we walked, leaving the crowd behind, but he chose not to answer, instead pulling me along indicating that I needed to speed up.

“Think I’d go crazy if I had to stay through the whole thing.” He said and I had to agree.

“Why is it so long?” I asked him after ducking under an overhanging branch.

“Ask them that, I really don’t see the point of making people sit through all that, fifteen minutes would have been good enough as far as I’m concerned.”

We walked for about a good ten minutes before either of us spoke again and this time it was because I was getting even more curious as to where we were headed.

“You sure you know where you’re going or are we just walking to past the time?” I asked.

“The first time I showed myself to Laken, I was trying to get him to go someplace with me, I want to show you where.” He said, slowing down a bit so that we were walking side by side.

My eyes narrowed at his words but I chose not to say anything. This should be interesting.

“I can’t say I’m not glad he didn’t go with me, that wouldn’t have ended well.” He went on and my brows furrowed.

“What do you mean?”

“It was a trap. Remember the original plan was to execute him?” he asked and when I nodded he continued. “Well the plan was to lore him there, where a few of Victor’s men were waiting to transport him to their pack.” he said

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