Chapter 30: A different kinda love and welcome change.

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Chapter 30

It was chaos.

Wolves transforming, shots firing, enemies and allies going down all around us, shouts and screams filling the air and yet we continued. Determined to win this small battle; fully prepared to die for the ones we loved.

I darted across the compound, dodging fallen bodies and oncoming enemies, jumping over discarded weapons and sidestepping men engaging in hand to hand combat. I had one thought on my mind.

Get to Adrian.

I could see him lying unmoving on the concrete flooring not far up ahead and I was frantic to be by his side. It had been almost ten minutes since he went down and I had yet to ascertain what had happened. Five feet away I was tackled to the ground by an assailant and we went rolling on the concrete surface until we came to a stop with me pinned beneath him.

I watched in horror as he raised his weapon; a very sharp object that was a mix between a dagger and a machete and for a second I thought it was all over, but just before he could do the damage his eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed atop me.

His weight almost suffocating. I felt the warm trickle of what could only be his blood, running down my neck and I pushed him off my body and jumped up from the ground.

I didn’t even spare him a glance as my eyes refocused on my fallen lover. I ran to him, almost tripping over my own feet in my haste and dropped to my knees by his side. I saw no blood at first glance and so I rolled him over to continue my inspection. The first thing I noticed was the tranquilizer dart firmly planted in his chest. His pulse was weak which I assumed had to do with the fact that hit so close to his heart.

I pulled it out; managing to catch a glimpse of the initials on the offending object before I discarded it and pulled his head into my lap.

“Adrian.” I called, slapping his cheeks lightly in an attempt to rouse him.

“Babe come on, wake up.” I tried again.

No response.

A body went down beside us, felled by a bullet to the gut and I turned my attention back to Adrian. If we stayed here, right in the middle of the battlefield we quite possibly wouldn’t live to tell the tale and so as quickly as I could, I pushed up from the ground, tucked my hands under his arms and pulled, desperately trying to get him out of harm’s way.

“Victoria, let her go!” I heard the shout when I was halfway across the compound with Adrian and wouldn’t have stopped moving if it hadn’t been for the heart stopping terror I heard in that shout.

I spotted Carson first, not too far from where I was standing. He stood frozen, arm raised as if to ward someone off and I followed his gaze to where Victoria stood; a knife held to the child’s neck.

Stephanie; Jessie had called her.

“Holy Fuck.” The words fell from my mouth as I took in the scene.

The woman was actually going to do this. She’d hurt an innocent child.

“Call off your men or she’s dead!” Victoria screamed at him and I dropped to the ground once again, checking Adrian’s pulse and pulling his lap into my head.

There was no doubt what would happen now. Carson had to save that child’s life and with no real opening to take out Victoria without risking the child’s life, he would call off the others.

“Come on babe, wake up.” I pleaded with Adrian who I was sure couldn’t hear me even if he wanted to.

I ran my fingers through his hair, over his brow and to his cheek. He looked as if he were only sleeping. If shit hit the fan and we had to make a run for it, there was no way we’d get Adrian out, which meant that if we somehow got that opportunity, Adrian and I would be staying here…certainly not the way I had imagined dying.

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