Chapter 3: If looks could kill...

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Chapter 3

 ~Lucas' POV~

 I had just gotten out of the shower, dripping wet from head to toe when the doorbell rang.

“Scottie get that for me!” I called down then crossed the room in search of a towel.

The bell rang again and I let out a sigh. No surprise there, Scottie tuned out everything when he was watching the T.V.  I grabbed the towel that was draped across a nearby chair and wrapped it around my waist, then made my way downstairs to open the door. I wasn’t surprised that Scottie hadn’t even budged to get it.

”Don’t you have a key?” I asked when I pulled the door open and saw Adrian standing there, a smile planted on his clean shaven face.

“Yeah but considering the mood you left my place in last night I figured it’d be best to ring the bell.” He said then pushed past me and into my apartment without actually being invited in, which led me to silently question his point on ringing the bell in the first place since he had chosen to barge in anyway.

“If I didn’t know for sure that my brother was as straight as they come I’d probably be having some doubts about your fidelity Lucas.” Adrian said looking at my semi naked form and then glancing back at Scottie who was sprawled out on my oversized couch munching on potato chips and watching T.V. I rolled my eyes.

He’d somehow followed me home the night without my being aware and it was only when I was about to enter the apartment that he showed himself. I’d had no choice but to invite him to stay the night. Not that I’d really had a problem with it, Scottie staying over my place was getting to be a regular occurrence.

“Don’t you have a home to get to?” Adrian asked his brother when Scottie finally managed to tear his gaze from the screen long enough to greet us.

“Don’t you?” Scottie sassed and I couldn’t help the grin that lit my face.

“Yeah I’m standing in it and last time I checked you have a security system to hack into.” Adrian told him with a bored look and after looking between the two of us for a second Scottie dropped the bag of chips on the table and pushed up with a sigh.

“Cheeky bastard. Fine I’ll go hang with Marcus.” Scottie mumbled and as he passed by us Adrian reached up and ruffled his hair.

“Remember we have a meeting tonight.” He told him and Scottie nodded.

When he was out the door Adrian turned to look at me, the smile now gone from his face.

“You good?” he asked me uncertainly and rather than cut into him as I’d imaged doing last night I decided to cut him some slack, after all, his intentions had been good, it wasn’t his fault his men had turned out to be incompetent idiots.

“Yeah great.” I said then turned to head up the stairs once more, I was freezing my ass off standing there dripping wet and as I ascended the stairs Adrian was right behind me.

He immediately went to my bed and sat there watching me as I searched for something to wear.

“What’s that?” I questioned, gesturing to the manila envelope in his hand. He looked down at it briefly then glanced back up at me.

“I know it won’t really be of much use to you but I dug up evidence on your guy.” He started, his eyes never leaving me as I dropped the towel and dragged on my boxers. “I figured it would at least give the victim’s family some closure.” He continued and I stopped what I was doing to look at him.

“Why did you do it? You never help with my cases.” I said watching his expression carefully.

“Because I know how pissed you are about the whole mess and I wanted to make up for it somehow.” He said looking uncertain and I think that’s the look that did me in.

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